Obamacare to cut work hours by equivalent of 2 million jobs: CBO


Well-Known Member
Copy and Paste :grin:


President Barack Obama's healthcare law will reduce American workforce participation by the equivalent of 2 million full-time jobs in 2017, the Congressional Budget Office said on Tuesday, prompting Republicans to paint the law as bad medicine for the U.S. economy.
In its latest U.S. fiscal outlook, the nonpartisan CBO said the health law would lead some workers, particularly those with lower incomes, to limit their hours to avoid losing federal subsidies that Obamacare provides to help pay for health insurance and other healthcare costs.
The biggest impact would begin in 2017, CBO said, because major provisions of the law will be well under way by then. The CBO said there would be smaller declines in work hours that would occur before then.

Work hours would be reduced by the equivalent of 2.5 million jobs in 2024, said the agency, which earlier predicted 800,000 fewer fulltime jobs by 2021. The bottom line would be a slower rate of growth for employment and compensation in the coming decade, according to the report.
The link that the CBO drew between the health law and slower employment growth is likely to become fodder for partisan attacks in this year's congressional election battle, which will determine who controls Congress in the final years of the Obama presidency. Obamacare is unpopular with many voters and its botched October rollout was accompanied by a public outcry by millions of people who saw their health plans cancelled as a result of its implementation.
Republicans, who have already made Obama's Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) a top campaign issue for November, seized on the CBO report to press their argument that Obamacare is putting a damper on jobs growth and the economy.

"The president's healthcare law creates uncertainty for small businesses, hurts take-home pay, and makes it harder to invest in new workers. The middle class is getting squeezed in this economy, and this CBO report confirms that Obamacare is making it worse," House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner said in a statement.
But the White House pushed back on the argument that Obama's signature domestic policy achievement would mean an actual reduction in jobs.
"It's not that the businesses are cutting those jobs," said Jason Furman, who chairs the White House Council of Economic Advisers. He said the CBO report showed an impact on labor supply rather than demand for workers from employers.

The CBO report offered some bright spots on the broader fiscal front, saying the U.S. budget deficit would be a smaller than expected $514 billion in the fiscal 2014 year ended September 30. That is down from a previous estimate of $560 billion and a fiscal 2013 deficit of $680 billion.
But it said sluggish economic growth and stubbornly high unemployment would cause the improvement to be short-lived.
The CBO also said Obamacare would enroll 1 million fewer uninsured Americans than initially expected as a result of technical glitches that largely paralyzed the federal website HealthCare.gov in the first two months of open enrollment.

In a fresh forecast for 2014, the CBO estimated that 6 million people would sign up for private coverage through new health insurance marketplaces, down from an earlier forecast of 7 million. But the report predicted that the program would eventually overcome the deficit, signing up 24 million people by 2017.
The Obama administration says the health insurance marketplaces now operating in all 50 states and the District of Columbia have enrolled about 3 million people in private coverage so far, with volumes increasing following major fixes to HealthCare.gov.
Despite claims from Obamacare critics about the law's potential effects on hiring, CBO said the expected drop in work hours between 2017 and 2024 would result largely from worker decisions not to participate in the labor force, rather than from higher unemployment or the inability of part-time workers to find full-time hours.
"The estimated reduction stems almost entirely from a net decline in the amount of labor that workers choose to supply, rather than from a net drop in businesses' demand for labor," CBO said.

According to the report, federal subsidies can be substantial, particularly for lower-wage workers who receive more under the law's sliding income scale. But that also means the benefits can be phased out as a worker's income rises.
"The phaseout effectively raises people's marginal tax rates (the tax rates applying to their last dollar of income), thus discouraging work," CBO said.



Well-Known Member

People are going to game the system and purposely NOT earn those few extra bucks that will end up costing them $4,000 a year in premiums?

You don't fucking say?

BTW, I got $100 that says it will be FAR WORSE than the CBO projections say it is.


Well-Known Member

People are going to game the system and purposely NOT earn those few extra bucks that will end up costing them $4,000 a year in premiums?

You don't fucking say?

BTW, I got $100 that says it will be FAR WORSE than the CBO projections say it is.
I honesty think ACA will be taken out before that happens. I'm sure it will be repealed at some point, its going to take someone who isn't afraid of being called a racist by the left. Independent here we come. Maybe... Probably not, but maybe. :wink:


Active Member
Paragraphs please, my eyes are old and I need a new set of cheaters....

The jist of the article is that people will opt-ot of the workplace and go "on the dole"?

I tend to think the current ACA, Obamacare, was designed to flounder. Wait until insurance companies are given compensation for too many old sick folks enrolled and not enough healthy youngsters.
Things can go tweo ways then, most likely in the "european model".


Well-Known Member
Paragraphs please, my eyes are old and I need a new set of cheaters....

The jist of the article is that people will opt-ot of the workplace and go "on the dole"?

I tend to think the current ACA, Obamacare, was designed to flounder. Wait until insurance companies are given compensation for too many old sick folks enrolled and not enough healthy youngsters.
Things can go tweo ways then, most likely in the "european model".
Sorry about that, I'll separate the wall of text.

Edit: Fixed.


Well-Known Member
There was a recent family guy episode and peter ended up hurting himself, pulls out his cell and: COBRA? I'd like to pay 1700 a month for health insurance.. :lol:



Active Member
Ouch for COBRA, my friend is waiting a few months until he can be on medi..care or caid, one is just drugs, i forget the terminology.

He gets ssi at 1700/month, Cobra wants 1500/month.

He and his wife do without health care for now.


Well-Known Member
Yea, cobra is that company that as soon as you lose your job they send you a packet in the mail for their expensive insurance.

The joke above about family guy was based on the idea that since you cannot be turned down for a pre-existing condition that you can get insurance whenever you need it. Why pay for insurance when you don't need it, just wait till you get hurt then get it.

Or play the system since everyone else does and don't get insurance and being uninsured gives you major discounts if you need to go to the E.R


Active Member
Is the CBO a good forecaster?

I missed my calling in life as a weather forecaster.

A prediction of "partly sunny with a chance of precipation" will seldom go wrong.


Active Member
Yea, cobra is that company that as soon as you lose your job they send you a packet in the mail for their expensive insurance.

The joke above about family guy was based on the idea that since you cannot be turned down for a pre-existing condition that you can get insurance whenever you need it. Why pay for insurance when you don't need it, just wait till you get hurt then get it.

Or play the system since everyone else does and don't get insurance and being uninsured gives you major discounts if you need to go to the E.R
Yep, saw it play ouy IRL with my friend Dave


Well-Known Member

People are going to game the system and purposely NOT earn those few extra bucks that will end up costing them $4,000 a year in premiums?

You don't fucking say?

BTW, I got $100 that says it will be FAR WORSE than the CBO projections say it is.
"Game the system"?

Sir, I am offended that you would infer our fellow citizens would conduct themselves in such a manner. Surely our fellow citizens would never compromise their integrity to gain funds they are not "entitled" to receive.

Why, no dirty cunt would falsify information to gain, say, access to medicare or medicaid funds, would they? Of course not.


Well-Known Member
Yea, cobra is that company that as soon as you lose your job they send you a packet in the mail for their expensive insurance.

The joke above about family guy was based on the idea that since you cannot be turned down for a pre-existing condition that you can get insurance whenever you need it. Why pay for insurance when you don't need it, just wait till you get hurt then get it.

Or play the system since everyone else does and don't get insurance and being uninsured gives you major discounts if you need to go to the E.R
yeah and they gladly pass on the write off's to the consumer:wink:


Well-Known Member
My neighbor wont get a job becuase it would eliminate his Disability check for his bad back

I think about that everytime I see him on his trampoline


Well-Known Member
I know of some co-op student workers that had their hours cut because of the new healthcare law. They went from being able to work 38hrs to 29.


Active Member
Yet my friend just hopes nothing goes wrong.
He is a wirey old fart.
His wife is blind and religous. Was not born either way, but always religous.
Dave hates religion, but drives Connie to all day church and has a good time while she is out of the roost.

They are just waitng for their 65th B-day to come


Well-Known Member
Did he tell you this?
Yes a couple of times. When i built my garage last year My fall back option for hired help was him. I kept thinking 1 he is an idiot 2 if he falls he is going to sue me. Becuase his other income is suing people.
Oh and he isnt a Bum, he describes himself as a stay at home dad. His pig old lady quit her job again she is ready to squeeze out another kid.

Aw fuck read this

About 4 years ago. This guy with the bad back and getting disability somehow found a full size Wrestling ring. He advertised at the super market
"professional wrestling" lessons. The city made him take it down


bud bootlegger
Yes a couple of times. When i built my garage last year My fall back option for hired help was him. I kept thinking 1 he is an idiot 2 if he falls he is going to sue me. Becuase his other income is suing people.
Oh and he isnt a Bum, he describes himself as a stay at home dad. His pig old lady quit her job again she is ready to squeeze out another kid.

Aw fuck read this

About 4 years ago. This guy with the bad back and getting disability somehow found a full size Wrestling ring. He advertised at the super market
"professional wrestling" lessons. The city made him take it down
my friend like that who is my age, 42 or so, and on ssi, also sky dives and coaches girls soccer games, makes me sick..