

:leaf::leaf::leaf:Are you obsessed with your plant? Well, did you know, its actually a good thing to lightly stroke your plants stem and very gently stroke the leaves? It promotes the plant to grow healthier and even yield more. So for all you fans of the Ganja, good news for you, touch away, chances are, by harvest, they will be healthier. Also, talking to them promotes good health and growing too. Dont ask me why, its just a fact. Smoke on friends. :weed: :leaf::leaf::leaf:


New Member
Mine love music, mostly dance music, but stroking thats maybe to far, but then i dj to mine so who am i, hey whatever rocks your boat dude, you go for it.

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
Good heavens . . . you're really taking this up a notch, eh??

You know, I hadn't thought of ever buying them dinnner; but considering that they demand so much in the way of nutrients and stuff, I do think it would be a tad bit too demanding.

But what is this about balls anyway? You raise GUYS? Listen, I know this is outrageous and all, but we are NOT like the Chinese. We kill the males, not the females. Right? So, no, on second thought, I'm not rubbing any stones. No. And since I am a woman, I'm not buying an already greedy woman dinner. She'll have to do with my admiring her and caring for her as though she were in a nursing home!!!!

So silly!


No, it wont harm the plant in any way, only if your like snapping the branches your rubbing so hard haha, but yes. it is a fact. Indeed a fact. So talk and touch away!


New Member
bending the stalk above the node bends the plant out of the way thus letting the nodes get more light benefiting with bigger buds.