ocean forest for in ground planting?


Well-Known Member
Hydro store has some for 18 bucks a bag. I figured if I could use ocean forest straight out of the bag, i would pay about the same as if I go with my eb stone soils/castings/perlite, bone meal,etc... So which route should I go? Wyte boi hooked me up with a nice mix of stuff from my nursery using eb stone products and soils, but all i ever hear is ocean forest, ocean forest, ocean forest. So 200 bucks at the nursery, or 10 bags of ocean forest? What would you go with? And if you say ocean forest, can i go from seed to harvest without xtra nutes if i pot up until they go in the ground? I plan on going 1 gallon, 3 gallon, to holes. thanks. Btw, I also heard ocean forest and animals dont mix too well. Something about the shrimp meal in it. Ever encountered problems using this stuff outdoors? Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
Making your own can be good if you know what your doing , but it takes more work. I would get a few bags of OF and mix with your mix you make yourself and you should be fine. Also another thing if you have a lot of animals running around be careful of blood and bone meal or fish emulsion type ferts. Animals will smell this and dig up your plants. A good thing to do is use some metal screen on the ground covering your hole so that when they dig they hit the screen and it should slow them down and give your plant a chance to survive if you find it in time. Also put red pepper around your hole


Well-Known Member
i'm not to sure about ocean forest having never used it. i am sure it is great stuff but for your money i would buy bulk compressed bags of sunshine or pro mix. it is what we use in the greenhouses it containes no nutrients but that is a good thing you can tailor it to your exact needs for growing then it flushes easy to switch to flower ferts when the time comes.
i usually use it with compost, eartworm castings and high N bat guano in spring while watering with light fert like eartjuice grow. then switch to flowering ferts when they first show their sex.
going this rout would probly save you some cash.
another thing i wanted to add is don't repot more than once start your plants in the container they will live in untill you put them in the ground. this will avoid shocking them and they will thrive alot better. every time you repot they take awile to repair their roots even if you can not see any damage there is some even with the most carefull of planters.
animals do like to scrounge around your soil but i usually find they leave it be after a few weeks so putting the soil out in advance will satisfy most animals curiosity and they will leave it alone by the time you plant. natural remedies like pissing around them and bringing your dog with you keeps your scent there and helps. irish spring soap cut up helps with deer. and mice i just poison or use traps. mice may sound funny to some but around here feild mice will eat the lower stalk on young plants and kill them.
cheers and good luck


Well-Known Member
Anyone with experience using OF outdoors in the ground? And I always heard potting up was a good thing. Interesting.


Well-Known Member
look in your area for a local soil company and go get yard of soil for 40$ and buy bat guano oyster shells fish meal granular azomite alalfa meal and neem seed meal and perlite


Well-Known Member
huey-you don't want top soil mate, it makes for very poor planting. you would have to amend it to the point that buying quality would be better up front. topsoil will turn to mud when it is 2.5 foot thick in a hole and will drown your plants. i have seen it done. sure you can add perlite and vermiculite but you would need 50% of it by volume. it's best to start with good meduim rather than try to make crappy meduim good.


Well-Known Member
sodalite i do not buy top soil local potting mix i amend my self have been doing it this way for five years now and my soil is so charge that i dont have to feed only towards the end of flower with a top dress of sea bird guano and blackstrap molasses