October Flowering?


Never done this before so I'm hoping for some help here.

I vegged indoors and started flowering outdoors at about mid to late October. Does anyone know if this will be alright?


depends on where your at, if the plant is gonna freeze your sunk, if its not gonna freeze you should be fine. but you tell us, how do they look? pics?


Well-Known Member
I flowered outdoor in February one time out here in Cali by bringing in the plants at 6pm every night. Went well for a winter flower.


I'm in Southeast Texas. We had a couplet freezes lately but when I know it's going to get below 40 at night I bring my plant in before I go to bed and then put it back out in the morning.


Active Member
I have some outside right now... started indoors and then put outside.. same plant indoors gives huge dense sticky nugs
.. the outdoor is not nearly as dense but since it is cold.outside they turned so.dark purple they look black... strain is grapefruit kush


Well-Known Member
As pong as you keep informed about the night temps you should be fine, I would take them inside every night just to be safe but that's just my opinion


Thanks for the advice guys. Yeah mine's a grape ape and it's super purple right now. I keep an eye on the forecast temps to be safe but I figure if it stays above 40 degrees (naturally flowers in 40 degree temps in September and October in many regions of the world) it should be fine. I'm at about week 7 but the buds aren't filling in the way I'd hoped. I'm hoping the temps/lack of light (just over 10 hours of light per day now) haven't affected it much. We shall see!


Well-Known Member
It hit high 20's around here last week, a lost a few smaller leafy plants outdoors, but my bigger plants (2-3') all were champs and survived fine. They are starting to turn purple a bit, so I am working on a construction of greenhouse shelter with a heater to keep them warm.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice guys. Yeah mine's a grape ape and it's super purple right now. I keep an eye on the forecast temps to be safe but I figure if it stays above 40 degrees (naturally flowers in 40 degree temps in September and October in many regions of the world) it should be fine. I'm at about week 7 but the buds aren't filling in the way I'd hoped. I'm hoping the temps/lack of light (just over 10 hours of light per day now) haven't affected it much. We shall see!
Can you show us a pic? Do you have any outside lighting, like a porch light or whatever which may be shining on the plant at night, and interrupting the dark period?


Can you show us a pic? Do you have any outside lighting, like a porch light or whatever which may be shining on the plant at night, and interrupting the dark period?
Sorry but I don't know how to attach photos. I tried and couldn't figure it out. Not much of a tech guy.