odd breeding generation questions?


Well-Known Member
cubing is, bx1 x s1 correct?(s1 representing original strain, so basically backcrossing a backcross)

what is f3 x s1? still a bx1? or f1? or could it possibly be considered a bx2?

what is bx1 x bx1? f3? f2?


Well-Known Member
ive have come to the conclusion on these possible crosses, backcrossing an f3 or f4 is still a bx1, but with more refined traits in the plants

and that bx1 x bx1 is an essentially an F2.

yes cubing is backcrossing a backcross confirmed that in the biology books.(bx1 x s1)

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member

  • cubing is, bx1 x s1 correct?(s1 representing original strain, so basically backcrossing a backcross)

    what is f3 x s1? still a bx1? or f1? or could it possibly be considered a bx2?

    what is bx1 x bx1? f3? f2?​

I'll take a stab at answering this for you.

Cubing would just be when a strain is outcrossed and then backcrossed to an original parent or strain. So a Afgan x anything then crossed to Afgan again making the makeup of the plant 75% Afgan. As you continue the process less and less of the genepool is from the other plant in theory. This would generally be used when you didn't have a male of the same type to continue the line with or if one plant specifically stood out and expressed a rare phenotype that you wanted to isolate.

When it comes to weird things like F3 x S1 I just say why? You would be going backwards in your breeding program. The only reason you might want to go back would be to the original true breeding P1s to test. For instance, you start with 2 truebreeding strains such as a short squat plant and a purple plant. You want to make a squat purple plant. The F1s would contain DNA from both parents and would in no way be true breeding. The phenos would depend on the dominant genes so assuming the purple is dominant and the tall type is dominant you would have all tall and purple plants. Now those plants are all purple because the mom was truebreeding, and it is dominant but the F1s themselves are not. It isn't until the F2 generation that you would see the squat plants and green plants and also any true breeding plants and where the selection process truly begins.
The question is this => what is it called if you cross a f1 with a f3 from the same line?
Rather then back crossing in a line, to make a cube.

Good question, I don't think I've actually read about anybody doing that. And I can't recall trying it myself at the moment.

Cubing is just back crossing to the 6th back cross. Most cubes, don't go to that far though, as they usually become to inbred. The cube on the Thunderstuck clone for example (Cinderella 99.25 x Wonderbud) zenithed at the 4th level.


p1xf1=bx1for dom trait
p1xf2=bx1for rec traits
f1xf2,f3...ect= line breeding
hope this helps if not google line breeding vs inbreeding