Odd new leaves 5 weeks into flowering - Chem Dog - Indoor - PICS attached


Active Member
Hey all,

Been following Rollitup for a long time but finally got to my first grow. I've got full table of Chem Dog that has been in flowering for a little over 5 weeks. Everything was looking cool. I had an aphid problem for a bit, but it has been handled.
I'd like to get some input on these new leaves that have started developing. I've had pretty standard development up until now. I started seeing these small leaves showing up amidst the buds about a week ago and now they are becoming very prevalent. I'm not really sure what is causing it.

Vegged for 4 weeks, clicked over to 12/12 on November 12. Using a standard flood & drain system with rockwool blocks on top of cocomat. Using 3 x 600w HPS lights.

Nutes are at 1600ppm. Using GH nutes (40% Micro, 40% Bloom, 20% Grow).

Ph is between 5.8 - 6.2.

I appreciate any thoughts you guys have.

P.S. I haven't fixed the date on my camera... these pics were taken a couple hours ago. Sorry for the large images.



those are normal for chem dog i have been growing it for almost 2 years and it does that no matter the temp ect. just trim them after harvest and your good 8)