odor and carbon scrubber help


Active Member
Heres My problem, i have a room where i can not drill or make holes in the walls. but id like to do something for the odor that is getting stronger by the day. i have herd mixed things about ozone and carbon scrubbers. Is it possible to have a carbon scrubber without cutting and making a duct through walls. and if so how noisy would it be? if anyone could give me feedback or advice on ozone set ups. i was looking at a uvonair 3000 .



Well-Known Member
I am in the same situation you're in. A closet that I can't drill or put holes in. I used tarps fastened to the wall to make a small tent in the corner then used cardboard and duct tape to create a vent leading to another part in my small closet, I then used some zip-ties and even more duct tape to hook that all up to a fan I got at target, then a 12" metal duct peice from a hardware store and a tube of aluminum screen on the other side of the fan. I wrapped an activated charcoal filter around the screening and then...you guessed it...more duct tape! So that little device doubles as my ventilation for my bloom tent and my odor control. I just entered bloom, though, and I'm not really sure how effective it's going to be.


Active Member
sound interesting. i was thinking about getting a fan and a scrubber and have it sit in the middle of my room sucking air in and cleaning it in the same room

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I have a carbon scrubber in both of my rooms. I do not exhaust the scrubbed air out of the room. They each just continually scrub the air in each room. I do have a freash air intake into the Flowering room but not the veg room. I am using a 400 watt hps and no need to exhaust. The temps are very manageable.


Active Member
I have a carbon scrubber in both of my rooms. I do not exhaust the scrubbed air out of the room. They each just continually scrub the air in each room. I do have a freash air intake into the Flowering room but not the veg room. I am using a 400 watt hps and no need to exhaust. The temps are very manageable.
I also have a 400 watt set up. To get air into the room i simply open my door and allow air in. i was thinking after the air gets scrubbed and cleaned would that sorta be like getting fresh air to the plants?


Well-Known Member
The plants need fresh air for sure but if your opening the door for fresh air then you need a fan and filter rated for both rooms. Your will be letting exhaust escape with the door opened so you need to be able to filter that extra room also.


Well-Known Member
Just put a fresh ONA jar in the room. Don't last more than a few weeks but it really does destroy the smell.


Active Member
two ideas in one. take the first reply and make a partitioned room with cheap buy able hydro Mylar, the black and white poly stuff. you can get stick on zippers and all so u can make an extra door. make this plastic walled room as big as you want inside your real room. have two ducting vents cut into and taped to the wall one low for cool intake air and one high for hot exhaust. connect both of these to carbon scrubbers with attached fan's preferably matched to the cubic square feet of the new Mylar room. also match the direction of your inline fan to the direction you want the air to move, so the intake pulls from your carbon filter and pushes into the room while the other fan is directed to pull from the rooms air and force it threw the carbon scrubber

so to recap, one giant plastic walled room inside another and all air escaping and or entering is connected to odor control so no smells ever slip out any gaps.

you may now open your door window whatever.


Active Member
also ozone is a total no way

only ever use activated carbon the real expensive shit. if your grow is micro (probably not) then you can get away with DIY scrubbers like cat litter. anyway dont skimp on the activated carbon . take the total cubic square feet of the room and divide it by the number of minutes you want it to take to completely reintroduce new fresh air. 5 minutes is a great standard but some growers perfer way lower times like 2 or even 1 minute but as you increase that number of minutes so do you obviously increase cost and noise.


Active Member
Just put a fresh ONA jar in the room. Don't last more than a few weeks but it really does destroy the smell.
for some reason the smell seems almost as if its magnified now with ona gel. i got about 4 containers of ona placed in my apartment. so im kinda back to square one in the odor smell unless im using the ona gel wrong


Active Member
hey i have a question for u.. well im growing in my closet... its kinda small.. but neways.. i was wondering if i culd put ionizers in my closet 2 get rid of the smell?? or if u hav ne other options i culd use please let me kno!!


Active Member
i was under the assumption that carbon scrubbers dont need holes in the wall. the point of it is that ur box is airtight/with intake/outtake fans. on the outtake fan u put the scrubber on it scrubs it through the carbon so u dont smell it. its like smoking and blowing into a paper towel roll with dryer sheets