Odor Sok on the end of exhaust for insurance


Active Member
You guys seen these?


Anyways, i exhaust into my attic and apparently i have a leak or a faulty filter because there's a slight skunky scent up there. My attic has vents so as you can imagine im concerned .

My solution i think is to place a filter at the end of my exhaust.

My concerns and questions for riu are can i push through a filter and will the humidity in the attic effect its performance.

Also, are the odor sok's any good and do they have a minimum cfm rating? I only see max. Thanks.


Active Member
I've never seen a sok perform, I've only heard they are kinda cheapy. I would push through a filter instead.

If you don't want to put the filter in the attic, I would put the filter in a box, run the feed all the way through the box and to the filter with a second vent on the box feeding the attic.

No clue as to if relatively high humidity would affect performance.