Are you saying you're a cop, because that's what that sounded like. Don't worry you'll fit right in with all the other cops here
psi is a poseur. Another thread he claimed to be a multimillionaire.
My dad was born in Mississippi, grew up there and moved to Florida. He did some time for running moonshine before he moved west and married. He hated the police, never trusted cops and never wanted to see the south again. So its my guess that this police officer is surprised that anybody cares. He only did what his daddy did. I'd be interested if others with a background in this peculiar part of the country think whether or not this is a new development or if the southern police have always been this way and only now its making the news.
There never has been a justice system, only judicial system.
I'm not a proponent of gun control mostly from a pragmatic point of view. But daaaamn we can make pleading self defense to be more than "he scared me".