Official MAGABomber Dissent Therad!!!


Well-Known Member
Dedicated to @ttystikk - who was just plain wrong but is too proud and stubborn to admit it. Ego over truth. "I'm an organizer."

Please post your best False Flag Trump Supporter Deep State Patsy theories here.
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Those stickers covered all the windows and would have made it impossible to drive! He never would have gotten out of his driveway!

Florida doesn't allow windows to be covered, he would have been arrested immediately!

Those stickers are a professional $1000 wrap job and show no sign of UV degradation. Florida sun would have faded them in a week!

Why haven't we heard from the scientists!?
Those stickers covered all the windows and would have made it impossible to drive! He never would have gotten out of his driveway!

Florida doesn't allow windows to be covered, he would have been arrested immediately!

Those stickers are a professional $1000 wrap job and show no sign of UV degradation. Florida sun would have faded them in a week!

Why haven't we heard from the scientists!?
wow you're good at this ha

"It was only March, 2016, way after the election that he identified as a conservative!"

Is anybody sensing a theme?

Reposted for the sake of illustration. The clown below says the same thing. It's like they were given talking points.

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Check out the comment:

Monk Tyson 2 hours ago

Of course is a false flag. Look his wan. Just shortly before the arrest his wan was full of Trump posters. I makes no sense. 1. Trump is trying to prevent the Illegal Hispanics from entering the country. 2. A hispanic guy want to make bomb attacks Democrats "to support" Trump (what the media is suggesting). 3. Before the arrest he doesn't remove the Trump posters from his van, knowing that the media will use them to blame Trump. This is a fully staged fake bomb campaign from the Democrats, in order to distract from the Caravan narrative and harm Trump shortly before the election.

His wan? Seriously?

I know it might seem to make you seem as crazy as these people - but this is an orchestrated Putin plot.

Note: "caravan narrative". Lol.
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Just as likely to be a false flag as when powder envelops were sent to Republicans not long ago. Plenty enough psychos who will feel they need to do something drastic to stop the evil other side from destroying everything they value... which is the view of both sides, and ironically enough they make fun of each other for holding the same views they do.

It'll get worse because everyone thinks it's the other sides fault. No way their morally superior side could be at fault in any way. No chance. Anything we do is justified resistance to the evils of the other side.

For anyone who remembers the "political discourse" of the 70s; get ready for round two.

For the obvious people who will hate what I have to say because I offend their moral superiority as described above... ya, I have no doubt the other side bears a lot of fault, but so does yours. Don't even have to know which side is replying.

Integrity is standing up against poor behaviour even when you have to criticize your friends. Any coward can call out the bad behaviour of the "enemy". Civility will return when integrity does. Until then, mind the packages.
another comment... note the tortured English, fucked up articles, poor use of prepositions, etc.

Patty Smith
1 hour ago (edited)
The reason why they're trying to downsize white America ,so the Brown people can abolish the Constitution that's the real goal of them dumping millions of 3rd world invasion people on america soil ,so their no fault of their own children i.e DACA and anchor babies can infiltrate politics within the next 20 or 30yrs doesn't matter if they're representing the red or blue team because the goal of the satanic globalist is to rewrite what being a American means and by doing that it will need less white people to fight them make me so mad too see ,so many white snowflakes not looking at the bigger Picture like our white forefathers did..

Patty Smith
1 hour ago (edited)
This is a bait and switch by the satanic globalist to destroy western America ,funny how these so called fake bombs were place in predominant polictian business or homes ,first thing how did he get their address and another thing why would all package be deliver basically at the same time,this all seem very stage to deflect from the Carvan ,i mean Invasion from the 14,000 illegal immigrants that will somehow magically be near america soil by next week ,this was just bait and switch fake drama to give Demo rats and neon cons republican time to bus majority of them to america quicker to cause chaos before the election and to make TRUMP look like a evil heartless president and to halt the wish washy voters to not vote RED...

Friendly Fribble 6 hours ago
How did his “bombs” show up in New York without the stamps being cancelled?? These packages did NOT go through the US mail. Someone hand delivered these. Cameras all around NYC. How did he get them all over the country? How did he know the address of Soros? Soooo many questions? In my state, that van would have been severely vandalized!!

Smo Kitty
6 hours ago (edited)
There is no postage stamps on packages. Sooo this guy put stamps on 12 packages but then sent them all by courier from Florida. Something just don't seem right. Awfully convenient when liberal extremism is hurting the Dems.

Why haven't we heard from the postmaster?