OG Raskal Fems Stable?


Well-Known Member
I've got a hard on for some of these OG Raskal beans, White Super Skunk in particular. I plan on sexing some reg seeds in the future, but am looking for top notch fems right now. Just wondering if anybody has ran some Raskal fems and how stable they might be. Any other suggestions as to which breeders or other strains would be much appreciated also. Maybe something off the beaten path. Im not into commercial breeders like GreenHouse, Barneys, ect.

Much Thanks Guys
Well I've heard good things about og raskal beans but my experiences been bad so far I ended up with a male from his fem wifi and I know a couple others who did as well. But ie seen some pretty good grows from his stuff so as far as stability I ont know but dank is in his pack for sure.
I ordered packs of White Super Skunk and White Urkle. Both fems. I will be honest, if I get a male, I am going to be pissed. lol.
I've been hearing a lot of good/bad to be honest.. If you do a search about it on google you will find a couple threads on various places stating a problem ie mutants,runts,males,hermies but then you will also get some reports saying keepers and dank are in every pack.. I would give it a try but keep a eye out.
I've grown out several packs of Raskal's gear. In general, his fems are stable...but as it goes with fems, there will be the odd herm or mutant in there. But the good pheno's are as stable as most regs in my experience...
Well I've heard good things about og raskal beans but my experiences been bad so far I ended up with a male from his fem wifi and I know a couple others who did as well. But ie seen some pretty good grows from his stuff so as far as stability I ont know but dank is in his pack for sure.

Is that you're only bad experience? Getting a male wifi? Which strains did you grow of his?
Yes my experience was a male wifi and a herm a friend had a shitload of males in a fem pack his name is jaws he is also a breeder who has strains for sale.. Go on a couple other board you will see a lot of problems with raskal new releases.
Anything else you want to know?

Like getting a male from a fem pack is not enough of a bad experience!
I'm glad I looked into OG Raskal gear before buying some of it......I have my eye on a few of his strains..... don't need any probs with expensive genes..... thanks for the heads up wbw
I have grown several of OGR's creations and all have been as stable as they come. Never a herm and never a male. I just popped almost 30 more of his seeds last week.
Yes my experience was a male wifi and a herm a friend had a shitload of males in a fem pack his name is jaws he is also a breeder who has strains for sale.. Go on a couple other board you will see a lot of problems with raskal new releases.
Anything else you want to know?

Like getting a male from a fem pack is not enough of a bad experience!

Ahh my experiences are with the older stock...