Oh good, future Skynet has begun with General Dynamics lil dog robot

They sold THOUSANDS of drones on the idea they would "save lives" but all they did was transfer more casualties to innocent civilians in targeted areas. Militants know how to minimize their vulnerability, so the drone operators just started mowing down everyone they saw. Even the CIA admitted that over 90% of drone strike casualties were civilians and non-combatants.

So did they actually save lives? When it becomes a no political cost decision to order the murder of people on the far side of the planet where it won't reach the evening news, I'm gonna say no.

Saying that's okay because guys with our flag on their sleeves aren't the ones dying is a pretty shitty way to say you're all in for Imperialism.

So now we have land based drones, aka robot dogs with sniper rifles. How do you think that's going to go?
They sold THOUSANDS of drones on the idea they would "save lives" but all they did was transfer more casualties to innocent civilians in targeted areas. Militants know how to minimize their vulnerability, so the drone operators just started mowing down everyone they saw. Even the CIA admitted that over 90% of drone strike casualties were civilians and non-combatants.

So did they actually save lives? When it becomes a no political cost decision to order the murder of people on the far side of the planet where it won't reach the evening news, I'm gonna say no.

Saying that's okay because guys with our flag on their sleeves aren't the ones dying is a pretty shitty way to say you're all in for Imperialism.

So now we have land based drones, aka robot dogs with sniper rifles. How do you think that's going to go?
there's nothing wrong with drones. there is something wrong with using them indiscriminately and killing civilians in the process.
i guess i am all in for imperialism, because i'd run a squad of those units myself, and use them to wipe out the russian hacking center in moscow for starters...then we could start going after others who have caused too much misery to be allowed to exist any longer,
like felicien kabuga, joseph kony, omar al-bashir, ratko mladic, bosco ntaganda, charles taylor, and efrain montt...
but of course, you will sanctimoniously shit on this, because that's what you do...it's ok to let war criminals live and reap the rewards of their horrific crimes, because the idea of authorized sanctions against monsters makes you uncomfortable...but i bet not as uncomfortable as the rohingya were, lying in mass graves and being buried alive under corpses...or as uncomfortable as the Tutsi were, with their hands chopped off, bleeding to death while watching their families being butchered, or all the mothers who watched their 7 and 8 year old sons being conscripted, indoctrinated, and dehumanized to become the next wave of killers, and their 12 year old daughters being led away to become sex saves for the troops...
there's nothing wrong with drones. there is something wrong with using them indiscriminately and killing civilians in the process.
i guess i am all in for imperialism, because i'd run a squad of those units myself, and use them to wipe out the russian hacking center in moscow for starters...then we could start going after others who have caused too much misery to be allowed to exist any longer,
like felicien kabuga, joseph kony, omar al-bashir, ratko mladic, bosco ntaganda, charles taylor, and efrain montt...
but of course, you will sanctimoniously shit on this, because that's what you do...it's ok to let war criminals live and reap the rewards of their horrific crimes, because the idea of authorized sanctions against monsters makes you uncomfortable...but i bet not as uncomfortable as the rohingya were, lying in mass graves and being buried alive under corpses...or as uncomfortable as the Tutsi were, with their hands chopped off, bleeding to death while watching their families being butchered, or all the mothers who watched their 7 and 8 year old sons being conscripted, indoctrinated, and dehumanized to become the next wave of killers, and their 12 year old daughters being led away to become sex saves for the troops...
Drones are as guilty as the .45 semi auto on the seat next to you. It's harmless until you need it. That's bullshit and here's why; America doesn't use them for self defense, they're used to project power. You'd have us go after every two but criminal around the world while conveniently forgetting that we ARE the biggest indiscriminate killers in the planet today. Since when were we the world cop? Who authorised us to do that? How many Innocents do we get to murder while doing it?

The Taliban offered to hand Osama bin Laden over to us before we invaded Afghanistan AND WE REFUSED. Why? What gave us the right to blast that country and murder tens of thousands?

You like talking shit about my opinions but you never address the tough questions, let alone answer them.
Drones are as guilty as the .45 semi auto on the seat next to you. It's harmless until you need it. That's bullshit and here's why; America doesn't use them for self defense, they're used to project power. You'd have us go after every two but criminal around the world while conveniently forgetting that we ARE the biggest indiscriminate killers in the planet today. Since when were we the world cop? Who authorised us to do that? How many Innocents do we get to murder while doing it?

The Taliban offered to hand Osama bin Laden over to us before we invaded Afghanistan AND WE REFUSED. Why? What gave us the right to blast that country and murder tens of thousands?

You like talking shit about my opinions but you never address the tough questions, let alone answer them.
the world is run by force, it always has been, and will be until the both of us has been dead for a very long time. evolution takes a long time, and you want the end result of a lot of evolution....until that evolution happens, do you want to face evil with an empty hand? do you want to let that class of evil run loose in the world? do you deny those i named are evil? you call them two bit criminals? the most wanted war criminals in the world? would you have let the nazis tried at nuremberg go because we had dirty hands? all weapons are used to project power...so by your logic we should get rid of all weapons, then it would just be the physically strong who would dominate the weak, intelligence would be almost useless, and would be bred out in favor of physical prowess.
power authorizes itself. i'm not saying that's right, just that it's true. someone has to step in occasionally and stop people who go too far. you might not think so, but all of their victims might. as far as murdered innocents, those responsible should be held to account, about the only thing you've said that makes any sense at all. the operators of drones, and the planners of the operations they carry out, should be held accountable for their actions, all soldiers operate within a framework of laws and rules, and they should be held to it.
as to the taliban "offering to hand osama over" read this
they offered to hand him, just him, none of his staff, and no hostages, over to a neutral country, this was their offer, while they were being bombed...until then, they had offered a big fuck you to negotiations

"Afghanistan's deputy prime minister, Haji Abdul Kabir, told reporters that the Taliban would require evidence that Bin Laden was behind the September 11 terrorist attacks in the US.
"If the Taliban is given evidence that Osama bin Laden is involved" and the bombing campaign stopped, "we would be ready to hand him over to a third country", Mr Kabir added.
But it would have to be a state that would never "come under pressure from the United States", he said.
Mr Kabir urged America to halt its air campaign, now in its eighth day, and open negotiations. "If America were to step back from the current policy, then we could negotiate," he said. "Then we could discuss which third country.""

...He offered nothing, from a position of weakness.
there are some answers to your questions. of course, they aren't answer you'll like, so you'll tell me i'm full of shit, and offer more nonproof as proof...and i'll answer that too...because i live in reality, and not an alternate universe America governed by bernie sanders and a council of independent liberal asskissers
They sold THOUSANDS of drones on the idea they would "save lives" but all they did was transfer more casualties to innocent civilians in targeted areas. Militants know how to minimize their vulnerability, so the drone operators just started mowing down everyone they saw. Even the CIA admitted that over 90% of drone strike casualties were civilians and non-combatants.

So did they actually save lives? When it becomes a no political cost decision to order the murder of people on the far side of the planet where it won't reach the evening news, I'm gonna say no.

Saying that's okay because guys with our flag on their sleeves aren't the ones dying is a pretty shitty way to say you're all in for Imperialism.

So now we have land based drones, aka robot dogs with sniper rifles. How do you think that's going to go?
The drone strike stats of civilians vs insurgents killed is nuts. specifically kids. dark shit. Not to mention thats how a lot of things start, military contracts. then a few years later your local PD is gonna be using these things to kill people remotely. Netflix people if you havent seen the Black Mirror episode called Metalhead its a pretty great concept of a future with these things.
the world is run by force, it always has been, and will be until the both of us has been dead for a very long time. evolution takes a long time, and you want the end result of a lot of evolution....until that evolution happens, do you want to face evil with an empty hand? do you want to let that class of evil run loose in the world? do you deny those i named are evil? you call them two bit criminals? the most wanted war criminals in the world? would you have let the nazis tried at nuremberg go because we had dirty hands? all weapons are used to project power...so by your logic we should get rid of all weapons, then it would just be the physically strong who would dominate the weak, intelligence would be almost useless, and would be bred out in favor of physical prowess.
power authorizes itself. i'm not saying that's right, just that it's true. someone has to step in occasionally and stop people who go too far. you might not think so, but all of their victims might. as far as murdered innocents, those responsible should be held to account, about the only thing you've said that makes any sense at all. the operators of drones, and the planners of the operations they carry out, should be held accountable for their actions, all soldiers operate within a framework of laws and rules, and they should be held to it.
as to the taliban "offering to hand osama over" read this
they offered to hand him, just him, none of his staff, and no hostages, over to a neutral country, this was their offer, while they were being bombed...until then, they had offered a big fuck you to negotiations

"Afghanistan's deputy prime minister, Haji Abdul Kabir, told reporters that the Taliban would require evidence that Bin Laden was behind the September 11 terrorist attacks in the US.
"If the Taliban is given evidence that Osama bin Laden is involved" and the bombing campaign stopped, "we would be ready to hand him over to a third country", Mr Kabir added.
But it would have to be a state that would never "come under pressure from the United States", he said.
Mr Kabir urged America to halt its air campaign, now in its eighth day, and open negotiations. "If America were to step back from the current policy, then we could negotiate," he said. "Then we could discuss which third country.""

...He offered nothing, from a position of weakness.
there are some answers to your questions. of course, they aren't answer you'll like, so you'll tell me i'm full of shit, and offer more nonproof as proof...and i'll answer that too...because i live in reality, and not an alternate universe America governed by bernie sanders and a council of independent liberal asskissers

Bro, what America does around the world every day is evil. We've murdered MILLIONS of Innocents just since 9/11 and even the CIA it's willing to admit it. We overthrow governments around the world like it's a hobby, including democratically elected ones. And we do it for money, not "justice". You're just drowning in Propaganda if you think America is a force for "good" in the world. Jesus fucking Christ, bro. Seriously?
The drone strike stats of civilians vs insurgents killed is nuts. specifically kids. dark shit. Not to mention thats how a lot of things start, military contracts. then a few years later your local PD is gonna be using these things to kill people remotely. Netflix people if you havent seen the Black Mirror episode called Metalhead its a pretty great concept of a future with these things.
Iran's drone program is well advanced, thanks to captured American tech and I'm sure it will be used to kill plenty of Americans if we're stupid enough to fuck with them. We couldn't even beat goatherders in Afghanistan in 20 fucking years, not that victory was ever the plan. No, that was a boondoggle pushed by our weapons industry and THEY made billions while women and children are blown to bits by remote control.

America is the world's largest terrorist organisation. What else are those 800 bases for, if not killing and stealing resources?

Bro, what America does around the world every day is evil. We've murdered MILLIONS of Innocents just since 9/11 and even the CIA it's willing to admit it. We overthrow governments around the world like it's a hobby, including democratically elected ones. And we do it for money, not "justice". You're just drowning in Propaganda if you think America is a force for "good" in the world. Jesus fucking Christ, bro. Seriously?
yes, seriously...compared to the russians and the chinese, we're not so bad. you attribute everything to corporate profits, but i don't see it so cut and dried...do you suggest letting the rest of the world be manipulated by the chinese and the russians, while we stand back and do nothing? i guess it's ok if we're buried alive, as long as we have clean hands when it happens...i don't give a fuck about propaganda, and can see through much of it. i do give a fuck about letting bullies run rough shod over the world. i do recognize that we're one of those bullies much of the time, and that has to stop, but the world is not nearly as black and white as you see it, and if we stop all intelligence operations, all foreign operations, it'll take about 2 years till we're completely fucked...
i guess i just make a terrible liberal. i operate from strength, and try to have compassion. but the second someone takes that compassion for weakness, i make sure they get disabused of that notion, whatever it takes
i'd still run that crew of drones and track down the biggest threats on the planet...i just wouldn't use the list our government would provide...some of them might be on my list
yes, seriously...compared to the russians and the chinese, we're not so bad. you attribute everything to corporate profits, but i don't see it so cut and dried...do you suggest letting the rest of the world be manipulated by the chinese and the russians, while we stand back and do nothing? i guess it's ok if we're buried alive, as long as we have clean hands when it happens...i don't give a fuck about propaganda, and can see through much of it. i do give a fuck about letting bullies run rough shod over the world. i do recognize that we're one of those bullies much of the time, and that has to stop, but the world is not nearly as black and white as you see it, and if we stop all intelligence operations, all foreign operations, it'll take about 2 years till we're completely fucked...
i guess i just make a terrible liberal. i operate from strength, and try to have compassion. but the second someone takes that compassion for weakness, i make sure they get disabused of that notion, whatever it takes
i'd still run that crew of drones and track down the biggest threats on the planet...i just wouldn't use the list our government would provide...some of them might be on my list
Bullshit. It's always about the money.

Oh yeah, Russia and China have invaded a couple of countries each. America has invaded countries on more continents than they have countries.

That's what happens when you let your weapons industry run your foreign policy. Rah rah, go America.
Bullshit. It's always about the money.

Oh yeah, Russia and China have invaded a couple of countries each. America has invaded countries on more continents than they have countries.

That's what happens when you let your weapons industry run your foreign policy. Rah rah, go America.
LOVE her or get out
Pretty basic even you can follow along
LOVE her or get out
Pretty basic even you can follow along
I have as much right to be here as anyone else and the fact that you want me to go away instead of discussing the topic on its merits says an awful lot more about your inability to defend your positions than anything else.

We have become the country our grandparents fought against in WWII. That's a plain and simple fact not open to debate. We've already had our Beer Hall Putsch moment, we've already watched our Fascist Blueshirts start riots across the country in the face of peaceful protest and unlike Weimar Germany, we haven't put even one political leader in prison for their treason. These are facts, not open for debate.

I'm a Patriot and I can be one while A. Not being a right wing nut job and B. Pointing out America's many flaws and advocating for change.

So what's your excuse?
I have as much right to be here as anyone else and the fact that you want me to go away instead of discussing the topic on its merits says an awful lot more about your inability to defend your positions than anything else.

We have become the country our grandparent fight against in WWII. That's a plain and simple fact not open to discussion.

I'm a patriot and I can be one while A. Not being a right wing nut job and B. Pointing out America's many flaws and advocating for change.

So what's your excuse?
I don’t know who the “we” is you speak
Cause we are still fighting fascism
What are you fighting , diversity ?
I don’t know who the “we” is you speak
Cause we are still fighting fascism
What are you fighting , diversity ?
Make up any story you want. Doesn't make it true. You think there weren't Germans in the 1920s and 30s who fought against the Brownshirts? You'd be wrong, not that ignorance is anything new for you.
Make up any story you want. Doesn't make it true. You think there weren't Germans in the 1920s and 30s who fought against the Brownshirts? You'd be wrong, not that ignorance is anything new for you.
You think all the nazis that support the killings have disappeared
That would be like believing the confederacy is dead