
:shock:hey everyone, not doing so good,i was going to the spot where i grow (outside) watering and doing check ups like always then i hear a fourwheeler and i start sketching out i never heard a 4 wheeler there in the past 4 weeks so anyways i kept getting closer so i grabbed my shit and got the fuck outta there on my way out my 700$ bike and backpack with fertililzer in it was in this bush and the fourwheeler was heading my way so i ran the other way for about 2km leaving my backpack and bike so i wouldnt get caught but then i notice i made a tiny trail to my plants not by purpose so its pretty bad luck and im wondering what to do? i was thinking just go there in night so i can hide, and not go for awhile so the trail grows back to normal, any other suggestions?:wall:


Well-Known Member
thats a shitty deal bro, if that guy asks you are just a random hiker. if i were you i would go early in the moring or late at night around 7. try your best to cover up the trail or make other trails leading to no where around there. if you can go different ways to your plant dont go the same way. if that guy stays around alot i would recomend moving your plants somewhere else. people are way to nosy and everything and anything wants your plants.


I wouldn't get too worried yet bro. He could have just been a random guy 4-wheeling and has no clue to your operation....


Mocha Rocha

Active Member
I agree with HDDeuce the atver most likely was just having fun. I used to ride a lot of trails in a jungle area near my house. One day while hiking nearly thirty feet from the trail I stumbled upon some plants. At the time I was growing so I left them alone its only right. I recommend planting in an area with lots of deterrents such as tall vegetation, prickly vegetation etc. Good Luck and Grow On