Oh sht! My plant is half burned! will it live =(

N3w81e GR0w3r!

Active Member
fuk, I just looked at my palnts and thought to myself, "hmmmmm that light looks a little close" took the light of and 2 leaves are toast! I will upload pics in the minute.

Will it survive? its in its first week of flowering. The light was only on for 1 hour and 40 minutes. Its a 20w cfl.


Active Member
I burnt one of my plants once and look at it now......

Of course i burnt it about 2 months ago during the veg, its called a weed for a reason, so long as the rest of the leaves dont look and feel "crispy" you should be fine :D


Well-Known Member
thats a crap photo mate! get your macro on your camera turned on.. it should be fine, i burnt my last plant, ended up nice and healthy. but male..

gl! xx


Active Member
ok, thanks :) Should I just leave the leaf on there or chop it of? half of the leaf still looks ok?

LEAVE THE LEAF, say that 10 times really fast :D No seriously leave the leaf on there, if the leaf really truely is dead then it will wilth up and fall off on its own. You will be FINE bud, dont worry it happens to everyone, figure it this way, now you know how close your babies can get to the light b4 they burn, ya know?


Well-Known Member
General rule of thumb is if more than 50% of the leaf is damaged, toasted, nute burn, etc. then remove it....


Well-Known Member
^ and if its that damaged, the plant will usually just drop it on its own. Weeds are meant to live without human help, they can do that kind of stuff themselfs.


Active Member
i had a 200w cfl fall over and completely burn 50% of the entire plant, i just snipped off the burnt shit, and the plant kept on givin 'er, guaranteed your plant will keep on keeping on dude.