Ohio Medical Compassion Act 2008


Active Member
Now its time to step up to the plate OHIO!! Michigan has passed their medical

marijuana bill now its our turn. The time to act is now. Lets get some

momentum behind this. Many people suffer everyday and many could be helped

with this. Here is a website with printable signs to distribute as well as

more info. Be well.


Support Ohio Medical
For more information call 888-647-2843
State Senate Bill 343
Call your Senator at 614-466-4900
and ask them to support
You can also contact your Senator via
or email us at [email protected]

n a previous legislative session, the Ohio Medical Marijuana Act (OMMA), got

as far as the Senate Criminal Justice committee. The Criminal Justice

committee held the legally required sponsor hearing but it did not pass any


Now the Ohio Medical Compassion Act SB 343 is waiting to be heard in committee

We have a two sponsors in the in the Senate (Senator tim Roberts and Dale

Miller). Please ask your legislators to consider cosponsoring the bill and to

contact the appropriate sponsor for more information.


(1) Identify your elected officials - To find out who represents you in the

House and/or Senate in Columbus, please go to

http://www.legislature.state.oh.us/. If you already know who represents you in

Columbus, please go to the 128th General Assembly list.

(2) Choose your legislator - Using the search results from step (1) above,

click on your elected official's name to be taken to their official homepage.

(3) Start an email - Click on the email link provided on the official's


(4) For the Subject of the email, copy and paste: Please cosponsor the Ohio

Medical Compassion Act

(5) Copy the appropriate letter from below and paste it into the email.

(a) Letter to Senators

(b) Letter to Representatives

(6) Type in your elected official's name in the appropriate place, and type

your name at the bottom of the email.

(7) Click Send.

Phone calls are also helpful. Be courteous and brief with the staff or your

representative if they have time to talk to you.

Visits by constituents to their offices are always welcome by elected

officials. If you would like to speak to your elected officials face to face,

please attend one of OPAN's Lobby Days. Be sure to contact OPAN President Rob

Ryan to schedule a Lobby Day appointment with your elected officials.

Organizations: Please show support by endorsing this bill.



Women's Organization for National Prohibition Reform (WONPR)

Senate Bill 343 Summary

Ohio medical marijuana matients below is a summary of Senate Bill 343 "Ohio

Medical Compassion Act". This bill was the product of many months looking at

the various medical marijuana laws throughout the country. Be sure to contact

your State Senator and tell them to support medical marijuana.

Ohio Medical Compassion Act Summary

Defines the legitimate medical use of cannabis (aka marihuana)

Only a patient with a medical condition or illness that is sufficiently

serious or debilitating, and who has the approval of his or her medical

practitioner, will be able to use cannabis under the Ohio Medical Compassion

Act (OMCA).

Protects patients from arrest and allows law enforcement to easily identify

legitimate patients

The OMCA creates a system requiring patients to register with the state, which

allows the state to ensure that only patients with debilitating medical

conditions who have their doctors’ recommendations receive legal protections.

Registered patients are issued ID cards from the state, which provides the

patient with an easy way to prove to law enforcement officials that they are

complying with the law via a confidential, blind system allows law enforcement

to verify that the card is valid.

Protects primary caregivers of patients from arrest and prison

Many patients are too ill to provide for their own medical use of cannabis

(marihuana), so they need a caregiver to provide it for them. These caregivers

are also protected from arrest and prison. Caregivers can also receive

reasonable reimbursement for the costs associated with providing patients with

their medicine.

Provides patients a legal means of obtaining and using cannabis

Permits patients to cultivate their own cannabis

Permits patients to possess paraphernalia for consuming

Permits primary caregivers to cultivate cannabis on behalf of patients.

Creates protections beyond arrest and prison for patients, caregivers, and


Patients cannot be denied custody or visitation of a minor for acting in

accordance with this act

The OMCA exempts patients, primary caregivers, and physicians from state

penalties and disciplinary action by a business or occupational or

professional licensing board.

The OMCA protects patients right to live, work, and earn a living by providing

that no school, employer, or landlord may refuse to enroll or employ or lease

to, or otherwise penalize a person solely for his or her status as a

registered qualifying patient or a registered primary caregiver.

Allows patients/caregivers to talk about medical use in court if arrested

The affirmative defense provisions serves as a safety net in case the patient

is not registered, or is in process of registration or administration does not

implement the registry ID system in a timely manner.

Affirmative defense is only applicable if supported by a medical practitioner;

the amounts are reasonable and associated with their medical condition.

Establishes government control mechanism

Includes an oversight board in the Ohio Department of Health concerning

possession limits and conditions.

Encourages Ohio Department of Agriculture to establish safe growing practices.

Establishes sensible restrictions on medical cannabis use

Limits the amount of cannabis patients and caregivers can possess to 200 grams

and 12 mature plants.

Prohibits impaired motorized vehicle operation.

Prohibits smoking of cannabis in public places.

Does not require employers to accommodate the medical use of cannabis in the


Does not require physicians to violate federal law

Federal law prohibits doctors from prescribing marijuana, but doctors are

permitted under federal law to evaluate the relative risks and benefits of the

medical use of cannabis and recommend its use.
so any word on how long before we know anything? like if its at least passed onto the next step?