oil/extract pops when smoking, problems?

So i tried to make some extract for the first time on the advice from a friend and the final product makes this popping sound when it burns. I am not sure if this good, bad, or easily fixable either. I used some decent trim from a plant that still had some moisture left in it, roughly 10grams or so. Heres a basic rundown of what I did.
We took the trim and put it in a plastic bag with 91% alcohol and moved it around for a few minutes. Then we filtered it into a slow cooker on the keep warm setting. When all the alcohol cooked off i put the remains in another dish and let it sit till the next day.
Now when I smoke it makes a sort of popping sound. A guy from a dispensary said it was probably just moisture but I dont understand why it would be left over. If you need a video i could possibly find a way to post one. Should I dry it in the slow cooker pan overnight before i transfer it to another dish? maybe a hotplate instead of a slow cooker? Im at a loss for ideas...