OK, I thought I was too stupid to grow


Active Member
Ok, I been looking around and finally decided to go ahead and see if I could get a few sprouts....

I followed the instructions on the "How to grow" page. I put the seeds in a paper towel/little water and left them to do what they do.

It took a week but I got seeds that looked like rice grains were trying to escape the seeds.

I transfered to soil.

I was on the phone with my mentor and decided to wet the soil after I planted the seed - mistake! I lost the seed and repacked the soild hoping it would sprout.

Here it is three days later and look what happened---->



Well-Known Member
okay, so its off to the side. that doesn't mean it's not going to grow, it looks healthy and will bend out straight within a day if you have proper lighting. it's growing perfectly natrual.


Active Member
when I transplant to flowering - I will correct it or should I wait until its a little stronger and do it in like 1-2 weeks from now?


Well-Known Member
Just wait it out, let it get more established first. It will be fine growing up right there. Just keep an eye on it. If it remains healthy than you should be ok.

Zakky Corruption

Active Member
u dont need to water twice a day give it a couple days and then water it or just make sure that the soil doesnt get real dry but remains moist
its in a low stage right now so it doesnt need it and if you wanted too just leave your plant with 24 hour lights for about a week and a half
then start with the lights turning on and off


Well-Known Member
yah it's better to not water so often when they are young like that. just give it a few sprays a few times a day instead of fully watering it.
and i'd keep it on 18/6 or 20/4, don't mess with 24/0 imo.


Active Member
i am on 18/6 timer right now, I will stop watering so much, I was wondering. The purple mister is in the corner of the pics, also.


Well-Known Member
Ya looks ok for now. Just lay off the watering as previously mentioned. The roots are barely establishing. You don't want to drown them. Allowing the soil to dry a little is recommended, it just provides essential H2O. Too dry will dry them up tho. I believe the first couple of weeks are the hardest. You'll be fine : )


Well-Known Member
heres something to laugh at...when i first started with my current grow...i had the wife pick up some potting soil...she bought seed started :s which i didnt want, but i used...thats some light fluffy stuff there...anyways...i didnt germinate or anything...i filled the pot with soil...and set seed right in the middle of the pot....well not thinking of partially packing the soil down before i watered, i proceeded to water...put water in the pot...and it just sat there...and sat there...would not go down....finally after about a minute or so goes by...i notice the water went down...and now there is a hole in the middle of the pot where the seed was....due to fear that it went too far down into the pot...i then sifted through the soil for an hour and half looking for the seed....finally found it and it did just fine...lmao


Well-Known Member
lol reminds me of when a parent loses a kid in a store or something and has a panic attack. Then they turn out to be in the toy aisle. Or the next aisle over lol