OK IM Stumped with wilted plants


Well-Known Member
ok i brought my plants from the closet to the room .. They where under 2 x 4' flors like 80 watts say and placed them under 600 w hps and kept the light at 20" from the tops to get them use to the light .. The plants are on there 6th set of of True leaves in soil ( pro mix) in 1 gal pots ..

They where trans planted a week befor they where placed under the 600watt

Now i also moved in the last week and now have a new water sorce ... Its all city water ..

I thought maybe it was over watering at 1st but that was ruled out and then I though under so i did a little test on 4 slected palnts and its for sure neither .

I went out and bought a ph tester and the ph was at like 5 so i ajusted it to 6.8 and flushed out the plants . and they still look sad .

so then I though they where root bound so switched half them to 2.5 gal pots and no change

the plants are all dark green and i havent given them more then a table spoon of advanced a/b per 5 gal so very little feeding .

I not sure what else can cause the plants to look healther but still wilt ..

the strain is afgani and kush


Well-Known Member
you dont klnwo what wilted plants look liek the leaves are all drooping there not point upwards when the lights are on you off there alway down no signs of Deficiency


Active Member
not every plant is the same if you want help you need to post pics if you get all pissy because somebody is trying to help you then nobody will help
to ask questions you need to post pics and explain EVERYTHING to do with your setup MERRY CHRISTMAS


Well-Known Member
alright then new question..

What causes plants to wilt? besides over watering / under watering / root bound / under and over feeding/ high temps/ high humidity?


Well-Known Member
over nuted will make them wilt. transplant shock as well.

#1 is over watering and under watering


Well-Known Member
how close are they to the "New" light
I have had some that when moved from florecent lights to Hid light the droop for a day or so


Active Member
Over watering underwatering, over and underfeeding, H202 toxicity ,pH fluctuation, most nutrient toxicity, root binding does not wilt plants. too humid, too dry, there are many different kinds of wilts. pictures are gold.
My guess is that its a pH problem because city water is high in chlorine and alum.


Well-Known Member
alright then new question..

What causes plants to wilt? besides over watering / under watering / root bound / under and over feeding/ high temps/ high humidity?
umm you covered about every ailment plants go through there, except bugs :p
well, i guess nutes too :p
every plant is different like an above poster said. they can get wilty from anything that is listed above.. now the trick is to find out what one thing is being done wrong to make em wilt..


Well-Known Member
it could be the light too close raise it and see. but i really think its over watered. how much perlite did u add to ur promix? r u saturating the soil when u water?how often do u water? if u have a heavy soil and r saturating when u water in a 2.5 gallon container u should be able to 10-14 days before u water again, if u just transplanted. what happens is the soil seems dry but there is a moist or wet ball in the middle of the pot. if u keep watering or saturating that ball never drys. when u water just give it enough to hit the roots. in a two gallon for the first watering i just use a full 12 or 16 oz glass. u do not have to get all the soil wet. dry soil around the edge helps wick water away from the center. if i was u i would repot into, at most, moist soil and give it a couple of days.