OK senate bill 1102


Well-Known Member
Last paragraph...
Secretary of state election board allowed to rewrite state election law during a catastrophe and stays in effect until overturned by majority of both chambers.
Interesting... Anyone else have this going on in their state?
It's much easier to win an election if the people who want you to win are also counting the votes.

Voting is not an exercise of freedom. It is an exercise in demonstrating the tyranny of the majority, since people who abstain aren't exempt from the consequences of others votes.
then there are some people who committed certain felonies and are bitter about not being allowed to vote but hang around politics spewing their inane horseshit that nobody wants to hear, ever
It's much easier to win an election if the people who want you to win are also counting the votes.

Voting is not an exercise of freedom. It is an exercise in demonstrating the tyranny of the majority, since people who abstain aren't exempt from the consequences of others votes.

or if you supply the voting booths..lest we forget:

It's much easier to win an election if the people who want you to win are also counting the votes.

Voting is not an exercise of freedom. It is an exercise in demonstrating the tyranny of the majority, since people who abstain aren't exempt from the consequences of others votes.
Rob: Tryanny!!

reality: Rob got bitched at in a convenience store again
Last paragraph...
Secretary of state election board allowed to rewrite state election law during a catastrophe and stays in effect until overturned by majority of both chambers.
Interesting... Anyone else have this going on in their state?
Say what? Wut choo tawkin bout, Willis?
Yeah. Ok is pretty fucked up. 3rd up from the bottom when you look at states rated for good stuff, top 5 at least for states rated for bad stuff. Same story as everywhere else, poverty and ignorance are best friends. Racism, fervent cult beliefs/superstitions, blah blah blah...
And it is a beautiful place where you can meet amazing people, fall in love, see beautiful nature, and bathe in the light.
A microcosm of the universe.
Love/Hate OK. I've been all over the US. We're all the same. You may think you are different. I'd bet everything that I could ever possibly have that you're not.
This Bill was interesting, it took power from local authorities like mayors, and gave it to the governor. OK is having a time where both parties dislike the governor. So that was weird in the first section. The last section was interesting in case OK was making a plan to continue voting normalish during a catastrophe. That is not how we do it here. We dance the 2 step, but it is the Oklahoma 2 step. One step forward, two steps back. So a plan would be a surprise. I didn't mean to yank any conspiracy theorist chains. Merely wondering if anyone else in the US sees anything like this in their current bills. These things seem to pop up in similar states around the same time, as if they are all being fed from the same plate. I do look at shit skeptically though. ALL CAPS!!!!!!!!!
But this one was a senate bill that got sent to the house, they added an amendment, approved the bill, sent it back to Senate to approve the language. And then the senate voted to not hear it yesterday.
This is THE section for crazy shit though. POLITICS is what happens when you think your opinion matters. Pretty funny shit from some monkeys really. I'll share a tip with anyone who cares. Life is too ugly to look at straight on. Glance at it from the side. It does some funny shit then.
Yeah. Ok is pretty fucked up. 3rd up from the bottom when you look at states rated for good stuff, top 5 at least for states rated for bad stuff. Same story as everywhere else, poverty and ignorance are best friends. Racism, fervent cult beliefs/superstitions, blah blah blah...
And it is a beautiful place where you can meet amazing people, fall in love, see beautiful nature, and bathe in the light.
A microcosm of the universe.
Love/Hate OK. I've been all over the US. We're all the same. You may think you are different. I'd bet everything that I could ever possibly have that you're not.
This Bill was interesting, it took power from local authorities like mayors, and gave it to the governor. OK is having a time where both parties dislike the governor. So that was weird in the first section. The last section was interesting in case OK was making a plan to continue voting normalish during a catastrophe. That is not how we do it here. We dance the 2 step, but it is the Oklahoma 2 step. One step forward, two steps back. So a plan would be a surprise. I didn't mean to yank any conspiracy theorist chains. Merely wondering if anyone else in the US sees anything like this in their current bills. These things seem to pop up in similar states around the same time, as if they are all being fed from the same plate. I do look at shit skeptically though. ALL CAPS!!!!!!!!!
But this one was a senate bill that got sent to the house, they added an amendment, approved the bill, sent it back to Senate to approve the language. And then the senate voted to not hear it yesterday.
Oklahoma doesn't HAVE to live in ignorance, they just do. It's not genetic. It has something to do with the leaders its people keep putting in charge. But then again, ignorance, while curable, takes effort and time to effect the cure.

You live there, what are you saying to your state congressional reps on the subject? Do you support the measure? Why or why not?
It is genetic at this point. Like an IBL. The uniqueness of the strain is what you appreciate in it. Just breathe in and breathe out. Try to love. Try to empathize with others.
I'd bet the people vote the way they vote because it is the way they think. I say to my state reps that I didn't vote for you, usually.
I've got them red state blues. But, it's my home. These people are my family, my friends, and fellow humans. I just live my life and wait on dying.
It is genetic at this point. Like an IBL. The uniqueness of the strain is what you appreciate in it. Just breathe in and breathe out. Try to love. Try to empathize with others.
I'd bet the people vote the way they vote because it is the way they think. I say to my state reps that I didn't vote for you, usually.
I've got them red state blues. But, it's my home. These people are my family, my friends, and fellow humans. I just live my life and wait on dying.

I have rednecks in my family who say the darnedest things in unguarded moments. We still love and support each other but steer clear of political discussions.
It is genetic at this point. Like an IBL. The uniqueness of the strain is what you appreciate in it. Just breathe in and breathe out. Try to love. Try to empathize with others.
I'd bet the people vote the way they vote because it is the way they think. I say to my state reps that I didn't vote for you, usually.
I've got them red state blues. But, it's my home. These people are my family, my friends, and fellow humans. I just live my life and wait on dying.
Oklahoma is a beautiful state. Especially the eastern part. Great fishing. Good people making bad choices in elected officials. Just like my home state of Texas. In fact Texas is even a dumber shade of red. Ted Cruz. Louie Gohmert. Joe Barton who claims wind is a finite resource.