Ok so i have a pretty tall order


Well-Known Member
i think riu needs a complete faq or library section dedicated to growing weed and common problems etc. the stickys on subjects like deficienies etc just dont cut it. links become useless and people pollute them and water them down with inacurate info.

asking a question in a forum is useless it almost always ends in a bunch of novice answers or a massive debate on who's got the better way of doing something.

the good info is out there it just needs to be catalogued and posted in a way that it cannot be watered down. just the facts maybe some pictures.

perhaps it could be done in a way where it honors those in the know. for example it could acknowledge some of the more helpfull people on riu by getting them to right up a piece on certain topics for example if one person seems to have a good knowledge of cloning they could be asked to do a quick tutorial keeping simple and to the point.

i guess what im asking is just some way that we can easily find the info we need without wading through pages of threads called "problem with my plant" or "whats wrong with my plant". its very time consuming and due to the vague nature of most of these titles finding help with specific problems by running a search can be very painfull

thank you for hearing me out
i agree completely, that is the problem with many forums of the like. On the other hand there will always be multiple schools of thought on cultivating marijuana. Especially since it is illegal and many growers do much DIY, which turns into seasoned ideas that may have true applications. I would find RIU hard pressed to really determined the "experts" on specific topics. I would love to see a forum side and a Cannabis Cultivation Education section as well. Maybe there could be a way where there is some sort of prioritization of the RSS feeds. Sounds to me like some scrub intern would have to sift through countless BS to get the true gold that is top-notch cultivation ideas. Maybe there could be more interaction between the groups and group members looking for more information with thread/subsection leaders who are infact seasoned vets at this. I being a new grower do find a lot of time wasted going through feed after feed trying to gather knowledgeable information. If you want real hard advice, I'd go with books. Any idiot with an internet connection can post on a forum. I know a guy who gets shitfaced and posts about how the electolytes in gatorade will give you super weed. Obviously not true, but some naive grower might make a mistake costing thousands. I'd be down for any of your ideas man.
I agree . I have been on here for days and still haven't found a solution to my plants problem . RIU gave me the boost to get going . I'll bet that it's here in ten places I just can't seem to find it . A section of classic cases - photographs - that show every deficiency would be great . I have found some of these in here but nothing that looks like mine with a good answer to the problem.