The easiest recipe and the one that requires the least amount of weed is firecrackers. Two crackers with peanut butter on them, weed in between. I cook at 300 degrees-F for 25 minutes. Others have different time frames, the key is to Not cook at such a high temp, or for so long that you vaporize the THC. Depending on your tolerance and the strength of your weed anywhere from a 1/4 gram to 2 grams will do the trick. These do not qualify as taste treats, simply a delivery method of eating cannabis. I try to eat or consume tinctures on as empty a stomach as possible, and wash it down with as little liquid as possible, on the theory that the magic in the weed won't be diluted by other foods or liquids in my stomach. I had a physical this spring and couldn't eat that day because they were drawing blood, I went 20 hrs without food but had a firecracker with 1/4 gram of Northern Lights in the car. Ate it in the parking lot and was getting very stoned within 20 minutes. I occasionally eat a couple of crackers as the firecrackers bake in order to get my digestive juices flowing. Not sure if that makes a difference, just a little experiment on my part. As you read more about firecrackers you will get confused by various claims about additional steps in the process, or what type of peanut butter to use. Before you become overloaded with info, just make one and eat it. Take about 1-2 hours to kick in at full strength. At this point it is nice to smoke a small amount to accentuate the effects.