Ok SUPER DUMB Question


Well-Known Member
Anyone in the know about Cannabis laws?

I am confused as hell by Ohio's Law that just passed, Rec use is now legal, which is awesome.

Here is the confusing part, The law says we can possess 2.5 ounces in any form execpt extract and that is 15 grams. It also says we can grow up to 12 plants in a household with more than 2 adults over 21.

Ok here is the confusing part, What happens if we grow a plant that yields 4 oz dry weight? Or We grow 12 plants that yeild 48 oz dry weight, are we suddenly in violation of the law even tho the law says we can grow 12 Plants?

Because in 1 place it says 2.5 ounces, but in another it says 12 plants, and if I grow 12 plants I damn well better harvest more than 2.5 ounces or I really really need to quit growing!!!

Here is a link to the law,if anyone can make sense of this for me please explain in the comments!!!

true but it doesnt make it clear in there and I dont undersand legal mumbo jumbo not a lawyer lol
Exactly and so much of the law requires interpretation by the courts. So although you might be able to read legal mumbo jumbo until the grey areas are adjudicated you are pretty much better off being careful. There's a reason discretion is the better part of valor! So my guess is the medical rules on amounts are controlling for the moment:

But you will only know as you follow along reading adjudication of your local laws as they implement the new law. So be careful, patient and happy holidays.
Exactly and so much of the law requires interpretation by the courts. So although you might be able to read legal mumbo jumbo until the grey areas are adjudicated you are pretty much better off being careful. There's a reason discretion is the better part of valor! So my guess is the medical rules on amounts are controlling for the moment:

But you will only know as you follow along reading adjudication of your local laws as they implement the new law. So be careful, patient and happy holidays.

Good point, One thing I will point out however, is that Local laws can not over rule state laws. My town for example can not make a law saying Cannabis is illegal to posses now that the state law makes it legal, the most they can do is what "Dry Towns" have done with Booze and make it against city ordiance to sell it in the town, tho its still legal to possess and consume in the town.
It says in "Home Grow (B)" That you can have in your house the results of the home grow . :hump:
(B) An adult use consumer may store at their primary residence adult use cannabis that was purchased from an adult use dispensary licensed under this chapter or produced in compliance with this section.

I see no limit if it was grown under the guidelines of the law, same as here. We are limited to just over an Oz for transport.
(B) An adult use consumer may store at their primary residence adult use cannabis that was purchased from an adult use dispensary licensed under this chapter or produced in compliance with this section.

I see no limit if it was grown under the guidelines of the law, same as here.
Here in MN we can only have 2 pounds at home and 2 ounces while abroad. 4 plants in veg and 4 plants in flower. We believe the limits imposed on cannabis commerce are in violation of the state constitution and need to be challenged. It is enshrined there that your produce from your land can be freely sold without restriction. It's going to be a donnybrook.
i'm also in ohio, and how i'm proceeding is to keep my MMJ card so that i can have personal stash on me and not be shaken down. that being said, the amounts i leave the house with are just enough to get me through an evening before dinner or something to smoke while on a hike. in my city, possession has been decriminalized so i literally don't worry about it UNLESS i'm getting out into a smaller township where i'm unsure of the laws. in those cases, IF i ever have a run-in with someone, i have my MMJ card. case in point was a 3 day camping trip over the summer where i packed more than i usually travel with. even then, i knew the campground had their own rules so i always walked off to a secluded spot before lighting up.

the card gives me peace of mind when i leave the house with something extra. i have zero faith that the state is going to have the dispensaries up and running for rec sales before AT LEAST next summer...which then begs the question, if you're in possession of weed and you DON'T have a MMJ card AND you're in an area that isn't 420 friendly...where did you get it? at least with a card it can be pointed back to a legal dispensary and you don't have to reveal that you're growing. if you're out with it on january 15 for example, there is zero way that you could say it's homegrown that was grown legally...if you weren't even legally able to pop a seed until december 7.

this is all still wild to me, having been a teenager in the mid-90's and remembering friends being charged for possession because of a couple of roaches in their car ashtray. i also have memories of going to outdoor concerts and having undercover cops arrest friends for lighting up a joint in the lawn. i think i have a bit of overly-cautiousness about it all. the laws are still up in the air a bit on home growing and rec sales, but as of right now, medical IS legal so i'm just keeping in that lane.
i'm also in ohio, and how i'm proceeding is to keep my MMJ card so that i can have personal stash on me and not be shaken down. that being said, the amounts i leave the house with are just enough to get me through an evening before dinner or something to smoke while on a hike. in my city, possession has been decriminalized so i literally don't worry about it UNLESS i'm getting out into a smaller township where i'm unsure of the laws. in those cases, IF i ever have a run-in with someone, i have my MMJ card. case in point was a 3 day camping trip over the summer where i packed more than i usually travel with. even then, i knew the campground had their own rules so i always walked off to a secluded spot before lighting up.

the card gives me peace of mind when i leave the house with something extra. i have zero faith that the state is going to have the dispensaries up and running for rec sales before AT LEAST next summer...which then begs the question, if you're in possession of weed and you DON'T have a MMJ card AND you're in an area that isn't 420 friendly...where did you get it? at least with a card it can be pointed back to a legal dispensary and you don't have to reveal that you're growing. if you're out with it on january 15 for example, there is zero way that you could say it's homegrown that was grown legally...if you weren't even legally able to pop a seed until december 7.

this is all still wild to me, having been a teenager in the mid-90's and remembering friends being charged for possession because of a couple of roaches in their car ashtray. i also have memories of going to outdoor concerts and having undercover cops arrest friends for lighting up a joint in the lawn. i think i have a bit of overly-cautiousness about it all. the laws are still up in the air a bit on home growing and rec sales, but as of right now, medical IS legal so i'm just keeping in that lane.
That is wild to me. Because Ohio decriminlized cannabis in 1975! Since 1975, possession of up to 100 grams has been decriminalized, with several of the state's major cities having enacted further reforms.
That is wild to me. Because Ohio decriminlized cannabis in 1975! Since 1975, possession of up to 100 grams has been decriminalized, with several of the state's major cities having enacted further reforms.

this is what i'm currently reading. shows that possession of "marihuana" is still considered a misdemeanor for various quantities. where did you see that the state decriminalized it? a misdemeanor still means $$$$$ in lawyer fees.

this is what i'm currently reading. shows that possession of "marihuana" is still considered a misdemeanor for various quantities. where did you see that the state decriminalized it? a misdemeanor still means $$$$$ in lawyer fees.

Here is where things can get a little confusing. Recreational marijuana is illegal(well it WAS anyway lol) in Ohio, but possession is not always criminal. If you are caught in possession of less than 100 grams (about 3.5 ounces), it is considered a minor misdemeanor and you can face a $150 fine. Usually, however, a minor misdemeanor won’t become part of your criminal record.

Anything more than 100 grams is considered criminal, and it can be charged as a standard misdemeanor or a felony (depending on quantity). Potential consequences for conviction vary based on a number of details, including charges/quantity and any aggravating factors.

So a Minor Misdemeanor is treated about like a speeding ticket, you get a slap on the wrist and a fine, and that is NORMALLY all you get. But it depends on a lot of factors, like how you interact with the cop, how you carry yourself in court, if the judge HATES pot or doesnt really care, IF the Judge is PISSED OFF because of the case before yours. Lots of factors at play but USUALLY, its a fine and a dont do that again.USUALLY.

Now if you have 99 grams, in 3 seperate baggies, THAT can screw you cause they can hit you with intent to distribute.
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