I have a few questions i'd like to know answers to, im sure if theres anywere ill get these answers, its here!
So like a year ago, me and my uncle decided to grow weed outdoors, it was successfull, but my uncle fucked me over, and share none of the prophit, nor the weed.So i was like "fuck you" naturaly.
Now: this morning, i had this thought, what if they grew back?
So i went to the place that the planst were growing, and yes, they are growing, i accidently stood on one, and snapped it, so im down one plant, i have the end of it in the house, just to give it the odd sniff wen i feel like it.
Now my question is: is there any piont even keeeping an eye on these plants? will they be smokeable?
They're about 4ft tall, theres 17 of them(was 18 until i stood on one*doh*)
I know that last time they did produce a healthy crop, so they WERE female, is it possible for them to change to males now? i have the end of one here, and can take a pic if need be.If my memory servers me right, its BB, So please any feedback would be much appreacaited!
P.S. i havent ever even considered growing on my own, my uncle knew what he was doing, i was newby boy tag along, so please dont mock me, if i sound like an idiot, plz, just ignore this post.
I have a few questions i'd like to know answers to, im sure if theres anywere ill get these answers, its here!
So like a year ago, me and my uncle decided to grow weed outdoors, it was successfull, but my uncle fucked me over, and share none of the prophit, nor the weed.So i was like "fuck you" naturaly.
Now: this morning, i had this thought, what if they grew back?
So i went to the place that the planst were growing, and yes, they are growing, i accidently stood on one, and snapped it, so im down one plant, i have the end of it in the house, just to give it the odd sniff wen i feel like it.
Now my question is: is there any piont even keeeping an eye on these plants? will they be smokeable?
They're about 4ft tall, theres 17 of them(was 18 until i stood on one*doh*)
I know that last time they did produce a healthy crop, so they WERE female, is it possible for them to change to males now? i have the end of one here, and can take a pic if need be.If my memory servers me right, its BB, So please any feedback would be much appreacaited!
P.S. i havent ever even considered growing on my own, my uncle knew what he was doing, i was newby boy tag along, so please dont mock me, if i sound like an idiot, plz, just ignore this post.