Old lingo-Bennies/beans what is the present day equvilent

:wall:Yes I know "OLD" but come on fellas help me out here. I have been searching for years for these things - it seems they don't exsist anymore. After reading in here,I thinking I am just sooo far behind I am looking/asking for the wrong thing.

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
You talking ecstasy? Around here (chicagoland) it's: rolls, beans, candies, skittles, x. That's if it's in pressed pill form. If powder, or in gel cap: molly, mdma, adam.

If you don't know what drug it was can you explain the feel of it, how long it lasted. Was it visual, body, or both. was the visual a brightening of lights and colors, or halluciantions? Were you extremely euphoric? Were you up or down?
Bennies/beans = Amphetimine ....you turn into the energizer bunny,alert,highly functional and no food required.Truck drivers took them to stay awake.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I have never heard of straight amphetamine being called beans.. I have heard bennies, that name came from benzadrine.

current amphetamine slang?

addies, dexxies, dex, speed, amp

I'm sure there are a billion terms lol