old man

chosuichi inu

Active Member
everyone is posting that its mushroom time. i'm in s.w ohio. anyone know if there are any shrooms indigenous to the area ???


Well-Known Member
there's a lot of mushrooms indigenous to Ohio, no active ones. don't bother picking any to eat.

you're in the wrong season for mushrooms. it's to hot and dry. in september, there'll be a bunch of mushrooms out. april and may are best, morels grow in Ohio which taste great and are worth $$$, legally.

you're only shot at finding fresh psychoactive mushrooms is to grow them yourself. it's not hard and doesn't take very long.

chosuichi inu

Active Member
there's a lot of mushrooms indigenous to Ohio, no active ones. don't bother picking any to eat.

you're in the wrong season for mushrooms. it's to hot and dry. in september, there'll be a bunch of mushrooms out. april and may are best, morels grow in Ohio which taste great and are worth $$$, legally.

you're only shot at finding fresh psychoactive mushrooms is to grow them yourself. it's not hard and doesn't take very long.
any place you can order them ?????? any type better than the other ???


Well-Known Member
spores101.com, thelittleguy.com, sporelab.com, there's a few others out there that get thrown up on the site from time to time.


Well-Known Member
check the cowfield, the shrooms may not grow wild but they will grow in cow patties if the cows are fed a certain way. I've picked pounds out of fields, it's hard to find a good one but once you do your golden.