Old nurients how old is old?


Well-Known Member
I bought a bottle of General hydroponics floral nectar natural sweetener about in october 2014 and hardly used it.

I did open the bottle though and am wondering if it will still be safe to use even though it doesnt smell as nice as it used to. It contains sugers, mag sulfate, potassiam sulfate, cane suger, malt extract and molasses.
gh floral.png gh floral 2.png gh floral 2.png
i mean are these too old to use? they were purchased in september or october 2014 and opened then and smelt delicious. now they dont smell so good.
Are they worth using or chucking out? where i live i need to travel 4-5 hours to buy a new bottle.
That's basically a sugary syrup plus magnesium and potassium. If the smell has changed then it's likely bacteria has grown in the bottle, eating up the syrup and depositing waste. If you were talking about human food this would be considered spoilt and unsafe to eat.

Chuck it in the bin IMO.
i rang the shop he said semi heat the nutrients in a pot of water or just shake it up for a while. he delivers here so it should be fine if those methods dont work.
I also need some chilli focus so ill order i think.