Old Seeds


Active Member
I have an old bag of seeds that I kept in a air tight jar. But I haven't been sucessful at germinating them. There like 4 or 5 years old, some of them are broken or flat, but others are round and look pretty good.

Is there a better way to germinate old seeds?


Active Member
Old seeds are hard to get going. Of course, if they're cracked forget it. I had some really old seeds from an old grow room I once had. I soaked in a semi-mild solution of nutrients and put 'em on a heating pad and actually got several of em to root.

Give it a shot.


Well-Known Member
yeah, dump the cracked ones. get rid of the pale or wrinkled ones. take the other ones and squeeze them between the meat of your thumb and the meat of your finger. there shouldn't be any give.

that should get rid of a lot of the bunk seeds. even then I personally had a 1:6 success ratio during germination.


Active Member
i'll tell you the key to germinating these, i just had this dilema, use paper towels germ in them put that in a saucer small cup or tupperware keep sealed with a quart size baggie (unless you use tupperware) & put them on top of your waterheater, it works like a charm.