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{om}watch lee daniels the butler/2 guns online

As the film tackles the polarizing topic of race, and racism, in America, Morgan asked Daniels if the nation is more or less bigoted since Barack Obama was elected president:"That's a powerful question," Daniels began. "I think that people are angry that he's president and I think that they are showing their true colors and I think that when Danny Strong wrote those words, 'any black man could be killed by any white man and get away with it,' Trayvon Martin had not happened. I end the movie with hope. He's walking down and Obama's giving that famous speech and then I come out of my edit room and Trayvon Martin has happened."The film uses that mechanism of showing the two faces that professional blacks have to wear. But I think it's not just blacks. I think it's people. Your professional face is one thing and your relaxed face is another and I think that's what was so beautiful with the butlers that we use, the behind the scenes, the bantering in the house and the relationships of family," he told Morgan. "I think that's important to convey and I think that's what this movie does so beautifully with Lee Daniels' direction."“We’re the Millers” (Warner Brothers) was a strong second, taking in an estimated $17.8 million, for a two-week total of $69.5 million. “Elysium” (Sony) and “Kick-Ass 2” (Universal) tied for third place, with ticket sales of about $13.6 million each. The two-week total for “Elysium” now stands at a disappointing $55.9 million. The first installment in the “Kick-Ass” series took in $21.2 million, after adjusting for inflation, for Lionsgate, which passed on making a sequel. Universal noted on Sunday that the second film, like the first, was relatively inexpensive to make, costing independent financiers about $28 million.

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