omg, i just vaporized a stem with acid on it!


Well-Known Member
ok so heres the story, i bought this bag of stems and seeds because i thought it had buds in it. i met the dude like 3 miles from my house. and he persuaded me to buy it, so i was like "eh fine".

so i vaporized a shit load (only 1 big stem with the acid on it) and i just vaped that stem like 15 mins ago. i think i'm starting to trip out, no ones home and i'm alone. this is my first time so i'm paranoid. what should i do? what am i supposed to be seeing? because i'm pretty fucking stoned right now off those seeds.


Well-Known Member
oh and i also forgot to say i get the call that the big stem was laced with acid, from the dude i bought it from. will lsd still work on me if i vaporized a stem with it on it.?


Well-Known Member
alright. i may not have smoked the stem with acid on it. theres only 1 with it.

but for stems, those fuckers got me stoned as fuck. i'm hallucinating but not the geometric hallucinations.


Well-Known Member
fuck... i cant even type right lol.

what i meant was that i THINK i might have smoked that acid stem. but i probably didnt.

but i'm hallucinating sooo bad. theres this human shaped bump under the skin of my hand and its moving around in it.


Well-Known Member
yea I have no idea what the hell your talking about other than you got ripped off w/ a bag of stems and seeds and that one of the stems possibly is laced w/acid?


Well-Known Member
nothing bad is happening.
your mind is taking in the sites around you and twisting them into happiness. everything is sparkling. it is beautiful. life is awesome. wow, this is kinda cool.


Well-Known Member
this is a way different high than just weed. those stems had to have been laced with acid. when i was vaping them, i barely got any thc looking vapor, instead i got this invisible wet vapor. and that was on a lot of stems. but jesus christ i am hallucinating so bad. i thought my blanket was a big snake


Well-Known Member
Can acid be vaporized ?I dunno dude, why don't u try?
I once mixed a joint with some dried shroom and the trip was crazyyyyy...
Yet acid and shrooms are not the same.