Omgad Flowering Leaves Turning Yellow (pics)

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Active Member
hey everyone. i have no idea what is going on with my 3 week flowering stage plant :cry:. could you guys tell me what the heck is going on with the yellow leaves? The stem has purplely vains too. Too much water? nute defiency? if so which nute? thanks all.:blsmoke:

PICTURE 4: and also if the leaves are not yellow, they'll have this green faded brushed out look. WHATS UP WITH THAT??




try adding a little nitrogen, doesnt look like nute burn and it's too early for yellowing, but it's comming for a plant during the first 3 weeks of flowering becoming nitrogen deficient because it's fed flowering nutrients but it's having a growth spurt in the first 2-4 weeks.


Active Member
Thats the last thing you want to do 3 weeks in flower. the yellowing is normal, a natural progression. The plant is consuming the chlorophyll form the leaves (=ENERGY) to produce bigger flowers. Continue as normal, add flower boosters (Monster Bloom) and don't forget to flush two weeks before harvest with pure water.


Active Member
Thanks Russor, i noticed its a little bit more dark green now. The next question is should i continue doing this for a few feedings to get it all the leaves green again or go back to my regular flowering fert ratios despite some yellowing still?


Active Member
omg guys, its more yellow than ever! its almost 70 percent all yellow! :wall: ALL my plants! I've been watering it 5-1-1, 45ml:4L for the past week and its still yellow =(. AND THE WORST PART IS IM NEARLY A MONTH INTO FLOWERING :sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:


Well-Known Member
Thats the last thing you want to do 3 weeks in flower. the yellowing is normal, a natural progression. The plant is consuming the chlorophyll form the leaves (=ENERGY) to produce bigger flowers. Continue as normal, add flower boosters (Monster Bloom) and don't forget to flush two weeks before harvest with pure water.
Whats flushing?? and is it a must ?


Active Member
greetings. I am seeing the same issues here. its not just the large fan leaves turning. its starting to affect bud leaves also. not harvest ready yet, so its not dying off. not all plants just a few. using t-8 5400k lights also use a hps lamp 70w from a modified security lite. miracle grow soil with small part worm casting. water with fire fox big bloom and miracle grow alternately. doesnt appear to be nute burn as leaves arent curling. ideas anyone? pullllleeeeeeeZE? dont wanna lose my babies


Well-Known Member
um... how bout back to the yellow issue istead of flushing???

i have 3 myself... and a few leaves have always been turning yellow towards the bottom of the plant and now on one of them it's passed half way up.. not all are yellow but they are more than i think is good.... they are losing color and don't know what to do on that one..... one week into flowering...

and also is it too late to transplant at this point??


Active Member
Room Temp Avg 80. Wind0w Exhaust/suction For Air. Foxfarm Big Bloom And Mirc Grow With Added Magnesium. Epson Salts. Lol
.am Wondering If Pot Is Large Enough Root Base For The Stems On The Plant. Gallon Pot Sized Plant Hieght About 30" SORRY NO PIX. no digital camera, still an old 35mm hack. lmao


Well-Known Member
woah.... dont' take my word on this cuz i'm a newbie... but i just transplanted mine intow a bigger one... i was using i think 2 gallon and had roots pokin out of the bottom and some even comin up the top...

so i put that one w/the yellowing leaves and roots like crazy into a 5 gallon and my other to a 3 gallon just in case.... but i'm just a week into flowering...

miracle gro does suck

i'm using the same nutes right now too...

my grow guy also suggested today adding nitrogen... he gave me a free sample and said to add to my spray bottle a little i've heard not tu use nitro and others say to do it... so i'm gonna give it a try... i'll keep ya posted

[email protected]

Active Member
Greetings Roolitup Massive,

Have just gone in to check my GDP babies and am also seeing alot of yellowing of the lower leaves (nut burn? or nitrogen like normal during flowering - my 1st grow) as well as a bunch of redding of the bud hairs on a few tops. I'm 38 days into flowering and we are having another small heatwave, temp reading maxed at 92 today and is regularly sitting around 82-86 during this hot summer (temps were on the high side for a solid week when it was wicked hot here in CA). Plants have looked VERY healthly until today.

I'm attaching a few pictures (taken at night with light off) as well as one of a single leaf that looks unlike ANY others. You can also see the cola top (in the foreground of a pic) that I burned with the light itself one day when I picked up the PowerGrower Eco to change the water and didn't notice for a few minutes that I had actually left the top of the plant up inside the light hood (Doh!).

Any advice is greatly appreciated (other than don't stick colas on light bulbs that is!).



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