One month from a crappy looking plant.. is my plant looking okay? It seems small as F


Active Member

that was what it looked like exactly one month ago


I don't even think my plant is pushing 2 inches... I have seen pictures of others and they look ginormous over 1 month. Let me know what you think. My plant has also not had been with PH'd water at the beginning so I think that really slowed the growth. I got a PH meter like 5 days after that first picture. Does she look healthy?

I am using tap water PH downed to 5.8. I am using 1/3 strength BLUE PLANT NUTRIENTS which I had switched from the ORGANIC to the one better suited for hydroponics, due to the fact that I cannot stand the smell of BAT GUANO! My room stunk like shit for like 4 days and was giving me the worst headaches til I said the hell with this shit I dont care about organic. Also when I opened the rez I didn't know if it was root rot smell or the organic nutrients making it smell swampy. But i am guessing it was the organic nutrients because now it doesn't smell bad at all. Is she looking healthy?


Active Member
fluorescent tubes (4) 2 ft and then i press the switches to switch to the other (2) fluorescents so that i can minimize heat for now.


Well-Known Member
Man I dont know what to tell ya. Those things should be 18" tall by now even under those lights.


Active Member
oh my god.... what the hell. waste of time!

i have another baby sprouted about 2 days ago and i am going to try coco instead of the dwc.


Well-Known Member
flip that thing to flower and grow one bud. not even bud on a stick, just a big ass bud sitting on top of the pebbles. :razz:

that has to be some of the tightest internode spacing i've seen.


Active Member
stunted by N toxicity...............
what caused that? could it have been the organic nutrients, because i think i did put too much at the early stages of its life. do you think i should keep this one and let it grow out or just flower this bitch.


Well-Known Member
ima soil-head though, so take it with that in mind. over-watering can stunt also. maybe you need more bubbles.......


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Well-Known Member
Mine did just like yours are doing at 1 month mine was the same size as yours i changed my lighting and in 2 weeks they went 4" to 18" and almost just as big around now as they are tall so play around with it a little more it may shoot right up like mine did. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
If you do decide to start over, why start from scratch? Now seems like a perfect time at trying your hand with cloning. If anything, it's a learning experience.