One more quick question haha


Active Member

After a day of using this site and asking various questions, I have to say...that this is the friendliest, most helpful forum I've ever been on. THANK YOU

I think this is my last newb question haha. When I am at the stage when I am ready to cut clones, Do I have to seperate the clones from the big plants or can I put them right next to the big ones with the same light cycle. Or do I have to keep them in a different enviorment with a different light cycle?



Well-Known Member
Welcome to roll it up mate. Im pretty new here to and its great. Ive never done clones so cant help you. just noticed your new and thought id say hi and welcome

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
Do you have a cloning container? Preferably with a lid. They need a way higher humidity early on in life than established plants. The light can be the same because basically the cuttings age is the same as the plant you took it from. However, if you're using HID lighting you can risk burning them so might want to keep farther away or use Flouro early on.

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
It all depends on what you want to do. You can go 24/0 for a few weeks so they grow up more and get bigger for more yield, or you can 12/12 for smaller plants that will yield less but finish those few weeks earlier.