One More Reason To Hate Ron Paul


Active Member
Oh I thought you liberals knew all us libertarians and conservatives are in the closet racist. :dunce:
We wouldn’t be so crazy as to go to an openly racist church like Jeremiah Wright’s or pal around with known terrorist like Bill Ayers.


Well-Known Member
He takes money from the neo-nazis and KKK.

nuff said.
UncleBuck, you been drinkin' again? This seems like a pathetic attempt to get the libertarians and Ron Paul supporters whipped up into a frenzy. Lay of the Hennesy there UB, you're a mean drunk!:twisted:


Well-Known Member
He takes money from the neo-nazis and KKK.

nuff said.
If the enemy is dumb enough to give you money, you take it. I cannot think of a better way to defeat the kkk and neo-nazis than having them pay into a cause that is against their cause. Only a blithering idiot would think otherwise.


Well-Known Member
If the enemy is dumb enough to give you money, you take it. I cannot think of a better way to defeat the kkk and neo-nazis than having them pay into a cause that is against their cause. Only a blithering idiot would think otherwise.
you are missing the fact that ron paul says they deserve a voice too.

let them spread their hateful message on their own. anyone who is not a blithering idiot would refuse the money or give it back.


Well-Known Member
UncleBuck, you been drinkin' again? This seems like a pathetic attempt to get the libertarians and Ron Paul supporters whipped up into a frenzy. Lay of the Hennesy there UB, you're a mean drunk!:twisted:
drinking, yes. trolling, no.

i was recently driving through the countryside and only conservative radio was coming in. even the nutjob host (don't remember who) talked about this as the reason he can't support ron paul.

he also mentioned how ron paul votes 'no' on every single budget, yet goes on to take what funds he can for his constituents....funds he voted against.

typical politician, yet so many idolize him...


Well-Known Member
Oh I thought you liberals knew all us libertarians and conservatives are in the closet racist.
when you openly accept money from neo-nazis and say 'why not, they deserve a voice too'....then it is not closet racist anymore. it is out in the wide open.


Well-Known Member
drinking, yes. trolling, no.

i was recently driving through the countryside and only conservative radio was coming in. even the nutjob host (don't remember who) talked about this as the reason he can't support ron paul.

he also mentioned how ron paul votes 'no' on every single budget, yet goes on to take what funds he can for his constituents....funds he voted against.

typical politician, yet so many idolize him...
My name is Mame, and I approve this message rofl.


Active Member
Ron paul is basically the republican version of lyndon larouche, just slightly less crazy...


Well-Known Member
You are about 3 years too late with this news.
it was news to me when i heard it. i gave ron paul too much credit based on his sensible views almost everywhere else.

i just wanted to see what the ron paul disciples had to say about it.


Well-Known Member
so whites gather and they're called a hate group. meanwhile, a black group gathers, and they're standing up for their rights. makes sense. what EXACTLY do you know about the kkk? ill tell you what you know. you only know what you're told. you only know history as it was written, not how it happened.

excerpt of the 1911 encyclopedia article of the kkk:

"The various causes assigned for the origin and development of this movement were: the absence of stable government in the South for several years after the Civil War; the corrupt and tyrannical rule of the alien, renegade and negro, and the belief that it was supported by the Federal troops which controlled elections and legislative bodies; the disfranchisement of whites; the spread of ideas of social and political equality among the negroes; fear of negro insurrections; the arming of negro militia and the disarming of the whites; outrages upon white women by black men; the influence of Northern adventurers in the Freedmen's Bureau and the Union League in alienating the races; the humiliation of Confederate soldiers after they had been paroled - in general, the insecurity felt by Southern whites during the decade after the collapse of the Confederacy."

if this is the roots of the group why does everyone think they were "lawless" and only out to lynch them some black folks? if you were a slave and tomorrow you didn't have to slave anymore, what would you do? couldn't just go to the unemployment office. was it the kkk that was lawless? or the other way around?
believe what you want. but ill be damned if i ever let being proud to be white be equated to being a hate group. sure you got your more extreme "sects" but that rings true with every single established group that exists now and has existed. that doesn't mean we should view the extremist side as the total history of the whole group.

taking money from hate groups and saying they deserve a voice can not be equated with taking a hit after someone.
its called a metaphor. doesn't have to equate to anything.


Well-Known Member
I don't think him taking the racists money is something to give him shit over. Because better having that racists money in the economy going to advertising, which is a large part of our economy than guns for racists.

I think the pauls are crazy for so much other batty shit than that.


New Member
Ron Paul says he's about state and civil rights and protecting the constitution...

how is this not just another example of defending people their rights?

even if he does take their money, how is he promoting them...fill us in more uncle buck...cuz thus far you're failing miserably with whatever point(s) you're trying to make