One of my flowering female plants is starting to grow seeds! Please help.


I have three female, or what I thought were female plants and one is now starting to grow seeds around the top of the plant where the white pistols are growing. They are 15 weeks old and have been flowering for 9 weeks now and are looking great until I saw this happening a few days ago.

All three plants never showed any signs of being male. They all started growing pretty white hairs after a couple weeks of flowering and no pollen sacs. Only one of the three are growing these seed looking things from the buds now, mainly around the top of the plant. The other two do not show any signs of this. My question is... Is this normal? Should I remove the one that is doing this?


weed.jpgweed 3.jpg

I pulled this off from the top of the plant. They are seeds but I have no idea why they started showing up. I thought all three of my plants were female. They all had white pistols and were flowering wonderfully. The one plant is the only one developing these. Do I kill it now???


Well-Known Member
Those are balls I think (lousy pics), you have a hermie. Continue to remove the balls as they develop and remember, lightly seeded bud is still good smoke.


Active Member
I agree with smokinrav just keepremoving n the bud will be nice no doubt about it !!!


Well-Known Member
Those look more like seed than pollen sacks. Only he can tell us, as they are either firm like a seed or soft like pollen sacks. If there was no sign of a male, YOU may haven been the pollen source. I say this because if the plant hermed then the others would have been pollinated too, and they would all me seeded. You could have got pollen on a sleave or on your shirt. Then when you went in the room you grow in, it went onto a plant. Were you in another grow room?


Well-Known Member
it is a capability that your the pollen from the sacs can transfer over to your other babies. Especially if you have fans in your room which will circulate the atmosphere (which is carrying pollen). Best way to make sure pollen is eliminated is use an air filter to catch all that little stuff thats floating around in the air.


I was never in another grow room or anything. There is a fan in the closet. I cant figure why the other two have no seeds but this one plant has a lot popping up.


They are hard like seeds but to this day only the one damn plant is getting a lot of seeds. The other two look amazing. It may have become stressed bc of being too tall to hold it self up. It fell over and I thought it broke but it didnt and there are no light leaks. For light Im using 4 CFL lights with reflectors. 55watt, 33watt, two 23 watt bulbs. I think in about a week they will be ready! I just found my camera so Im going to put up good pics of the plants later today or tomorrow.

So do you guys think I should remove this plant with the seeds showing up with only a week or two to go? Or let it ride out?


Active Member
I feel for you man. i've got nine plants in a grow tent 5 weeks into flower. , i just cut a popcorn bud off to inspect it and a tiny fucking seed popped out checked the other eight and the same. these are non fem seeds all matured without flowering till i found the males destroyed them and cleaned the tent i was left with 9 out of 17 . fucking heat wave its got to be the reason as i have been methodical about light times and there is definitely no light leaks.


Well-Known Member
Same thing with me. Seeds started growing on one of my plants. Should I get this outta there ASAP???
That is a male plant.

Cannabis plants are either male or female. A male makes pollen which come from the sacks on those plants. When they open the pollen drops and flys through the air, lands on a female plant(the ones we smoke) which in turn makes seeds. You need 2 plants to make seeds.

Your in a good place I suggest start some reading