one plant looks weird, is it just genetic?


Ok, I had three seeds a friend gave me. Two of the plants look pretty good, but the one that started growing first seems like a mutant or something. Two leaves are turning yellow, could it be a nutrient thing? The new leaves keep getting shrively. I'm using Miracle Gro so I haven't added any nutrients at all. Watering every 2-3 days. I've done the same for all of them and I've been rotating them and changing their position under the CFLs (125W of 6700K and 50W of 2500)

The first two pictures are the "normal" seedlings, and the last three are the other plant. It's been 17 days since germination.



Active Member
its water overdose, try to water when soil is dry, the plants like the dry period becouse the roots stretch looking for moist.


Miracle Gro moisture control potting mix. I haven't been watering them until they get real dry and the other two seem fine. Since this one started first and grew fastest I thought maybe it was a nutrient thing, but that soil should still have plenty of stuff in it.


Active Member
then maybe its a ph problem or root block, if its the 2° choice id flush & then feed her a little n. but for me theres to much water in those plants


You should not use clear cups, roots do not like light. 2nd Its looks like there is a lot of water in those cups use less water for small plants.Just keep the soil moist .3rd whats the pH of your water and how old are they.The moisture control in miracle grow is just coconut fiber i believe and i def would not give nutes at this time.There's like three months of firts in miracle grow moisture control so at this age i doubt its that.So i would say is your pH cups or to much water.


It's the dirt! Why is it only affecting certain plants?
Them pots just have more of them nutrient balls
or it has a nutrient ball right by the root that's busted!
The other plants will have issues farther down the road!


Well-Known Member
It's the dirt! Why is it only affecting certain plants?
Them pots just have more of them nutrient balls
or it has a nutrient ball right by the root that's busted!
The other plants will have issues farther down the road!
That makes sense.
But it can also be genetics guys, not every plant is the same.
One of my Oaksterdam OG seedlings looks bomb as shit, but the other one I got looks like a completely different plant.


Well-Known Member
It could be genetics and most likely is genetics but I wouldnt put it past the soil they are using. Miracle grow should NEVER be used on seedlings, only on plants out of the seedling stage with a few fan leaves on them to accept the time release ferts that are in it. May I suggest next time using soil specifically for seedlings or just use some peat mixed with a little perlite for the first couple weeks as the seedlings have enough energy stored to make it that far on their own. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I don't know what caused it. It doesn't look like anything in the reference books. If you don't see new growth in a week figure they're dead. The other ones look happy. Hope they continue to grow well for you.


Thanks for the help, guys. A friend of mine who just moved back from growing in NorCal took a look and he seemed to think it was genetics. I know you guys are anti-MG but I got some seeds on a whim and decided to try growing with stuff I mostly had already for my other gardening. I'm going to repot them today, add a little more perlite to the soil, and water a little bit less and see what happens.


Active Member
yeah first time i grew with miracle grew sure enough the same shit happened, if i weere u some of the best soil personally i think is fox farm ocean forrest potting soil.. it has good nutrients for seedlings and it can doesnt need nutes basically up until flowering..
Enjoy ur smoke


Well-Known Member
It could be genetics and most likely is genetics but I wouldnt put it past the soil they are using. Miracle grow should NEVER be used on seedlings, only on plants out of the seedling stage with a few fan leaves on them to accept the time release ferts that are in it. May I suggest next time using soil specifically for seedlings or just use some peat mixed with a little perlite for the first couple weeks as the seedlings have enough energy stored to make it that far on their own. Good luck!
Yer it is unlikely a genetic problem making the leaves deform like that, maybe it is genetics making that particular plant more susceptable to nutrients but that would be about the worst of it. Looks overwatered and no wonder with moisture control soil and watering every 2/3 days, have you drainage holes in them cups too? Keeping the soil damp will also cause the miracle grow nutes to release more.

Is that mold on some of the top leaves? looks like some fluffy growth of some kind.

Right on with the seedling soil for seedlings.

Some would disagree that light impacts on roots and grow very well in see through containers, their roots have no problem with light but any weakness in the plant will weaken the roots to a point where they become problematic and not do well in the light. Contraversional i know but none the less some growers have no problems in see through conttainers and dispute this myth. Peace


I think it might be my camera partially. It's definitely not mold, it almost looks hairy like bud. The leaves on that plant feel crispier, too. My friend said it kind of looks like when plants are herming but it's obviously too young for that. When I took that picture it was right after I watered them, when I repotted them last night is when I normally would've watered them again and they slid right out of the cups because it was dry all the way to the bottom (the roots looked healthy to me too), so if they were being overwatered I don't think it was by a crazy amount. I've hopefully made enough mistakes growing non-marijuana plants that I won't do anything too stupid with these. If they were being overwatered I'd expect the whole plant to kind of turn yellow but this plant was the first out of the gate, grew a normal pair of leaves, and then just got all weird. They're already getting stinky so I'll keep my fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a transplant might help, you'll soon find out anyway.

Really good advice would be to never listen to what your friend has to say when it comes to growing weed, hermie, no way man!lol! Peace