one plant wonders....


Active Member
This thread is in hopes to share how to manifest one plant into enough for your personal use.
While veg state cost about 20 bucks per month if that, and flowering cost between 60 or 70 bucks per month,
***But 4 ounces or more per plant***

Two years now this has become my preferred method and its so simple but im sure very questionable from many growers.
I can do 20 plants like anyone else give or take. One plant for personal use only every six months will only be based off if you need to smoke 4 ounces in 2 months or 6 months. The results are undeniably worth it in my opinion.

If you're cirious just ask.
But please ask specific questions. Otherwise id have typed two pages explaining it all. Lol

HamBone? out. Happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Why does it cost 3X the amount in flower as it does in Veg?

Are you growing 20 plants and keeping one plant for your own needs or are you saying you could grow 20 plants but choose to grow 1 instead?

Are you saying by growing 1 plant at any time you get 4oz?


Active Member
I only have one plant growing at a time. I veg then flower, then grow another one when im getting low. Its all just for personal use.
I use 23w cfl bulbs to veg. 8 to 10 23w cfl bulbs to be exact. I start with 3 when the plants small. I add more bulbs as needed.
Running 10 23w cfl bulbs 24/7 cost about $20 a month.
And yesi grow about 4 ounces or more in one plant.
I flower under a 400w hps bulb.

I was just saying hypothetically that i could buy more lights and equipment to grow many plants,but i choose not to. Its all for personal use so i dont smoke like a freight train. I smoke as needed so im never out of weed. So money wise i dont spend a lot. One plant to deal with is easier, and i can get it bigger than if i had multiple plants taking up space.


Active Member
It wont let me upload photos right now. Smh

Go to advanced marijuana cultivation in the threads. Check out my thread thread..."watch this girl grow low"
I posted it yesterday i think so it should be easy to find. I think my set up shows in one of those pics