One week bubble cloner, no roots. HELP


Well-Known Member
Hello all.

50ppm, 67-73 degree water,5.5-6.5 ph, 60watt clf(1 foot away) two 4" airstones. 20/4 light cycle. water changed every 4 days.

four clones have in been about ten days, showing nothing. their stems are barely in the water.

another four have stems fully in water. are about a week. nothing yet. anways. any help/input would help. why no roots yet? i thought this bubble cloning was fast.


Well-Known Member
bump... the stems are turning a little brown, and appear to be loosing color. is my water temp too low? i check on them once a day. am i disturbing them too much? i have done many clones in rockwool and peat. and they are looking alright in comparison i mean the leaves are stankdng up good... no wilting. but they feel, tough.
any input would be greatly apreciarted.


Active Member
I had the same temps, etc. as you and it was not working well. I made these changes:

-LOTS of bubbles
-Make sure all the stems are getting wet from the popping bubbles but not in the water
-Water temps around 75f
-Keep PH at 5.6-5.8
-Air temps 75-80f
-RO water to about 75-100 ppm with veg nutes
-Mist daily with the same 100 ppm water, they seem to like the food.

It used to take 2 weeks, now it takes days. I had several cuttings taken during flower root in 4 days.


Well-Known Member
I think stable water temps are Important.

A submersible aquarium heater is just the thing to keep them right at 75 or so.

The stem color changed with my clones a bit too, but they all rooted soon after.


Well-Known Member
yea dude i did an aeroponic cloner and the only plus side is they get lots of oxygen. They get sprayed for 15 minutes every hour and 45 they get oxygen. All clones rooted in 8 days and it was my first try at cloning. I think next time ill use cloning solution and see how it goes


Well-Known Member
patience. its a homemade bubbler right? i have one i made as well. i fill it with straight tap water, turn it on, fill with clones and in 2 wks i have great clones.

everybody always overthinks this pot growing thing like it doesnt grow like every other plant on this planet.:roll:


Well-Known Member
so after two weeks i still had no roots, thats two weeks for the first set and three weeks for the second set of clones. plants were lightly heat burnt from lights being too close. anyways temps ph and good water was all maintained. and i dident get shit. that is

distilled water 50ppm, 5.2-6.5 ph, water temps 73-77. lights 20/4 i 42watt a foot away.

i noticed yellowing and minimal new growth. beyond stresses of most cloning ive done.

anways i went back to Rock wool, used small ph adjusted cubes. first clone to root took a week. It was the one clone i accedently stuck in though the rockwool. the end was almost through the bottom. roots grew out the side of the stem... maybe cause at the bottom of the rock wool cube it got dry and the clone got scared of dying and rooted fast.

abuse your plants so only the strong can survive. seemed to work for me.

so fuck bubble cloning... pretty much kept my plants alive for 3 weeks. could have been flowering by now if i did it differently

so now i got my frist semi rooted clone in a bubbler and the roots grew about half an inch in 12 hours. word life! this leads me to believe that my conditions are good for growth but for an unknowen reason my clones refused to root. anyinput would help.


can you root a bud in just water cus i was puttin new light in groom n it fell n broke one of my main bud spots off i need to know can i save it do not have rooting solution?!!!! HELP FAST PLZ!!!!​


Well-Known Member
Are your stems submerged in the water?

If they are I think that could be part of your problem. The key for a bubble cloner
is that the bubbles burst creating a fine mist which keeps the roots wet. If they are
submerged I believe this greatly slows the process down.

I had tried a basic method of cloning I had seen done on another forum where you
basically use a sheet of foam laid on top of water with the root tips submerged and
it supposedly clones. I set it up and let it go, and it took roughly 3 and a half weeks
before roots even began to show. There are other factors that could play a part to
the time, but this is what makes me think that could be part of your problem.

Just my .02