Ontario expects farm-gate cannabis to launch post-pandemic; craft framework in works

Lol what a crock of shit, the same old same old from these jokers. Talking all high and mighty. They think if they throw around enuff buzz words like "craft cannabis " everyone will accept this non sense. Who wants to bet me, that whatever they think they're gonna do is going to fail miserably? Because it will. These geniuses will never figure out the game or why it ain't working for them. The best lp pot will never ever ever be better then black market mid grade. That's the plateau for these losers
[ https:// mjbizdaily.com/ontario-expects-farm-gate-cannabis-to-launch-post-pandemic-craft-framework-in-works/ ]
MBD: Ontario expects farm-gate cannabis to launch post-pandemic; craft framework in works (2020-Apr-22)

« Consumers are highly discerning in Canada and know what good cannabis is and what it should cost. »


Better later than never i guess!


Perfect timing... "Hey Joe... I have an idea. The pandemic is finally over, so while the majority of the country has been out of work and will take people months, if not years to financially recover, let's open a specialty craft cannabis line that costs more than our usual crap. Nobody has the funds to afford higher priced crap, but it'll look good for investors. Let's get it done, grab our golden parachute, and fall into the abyss like every other producer in Canada."

Grand-ma often said « là où il y a de l'homme il y aura toujours de l'hommerie » (where's man always expect man-made trickery)... Any volunteers to develop on what could still go wrong with "organic" in a country where Health-Canada already approved organic Pest Control Products to serve high-density/mass-production + industrial processing exactly?...

What's In My Weed Slogan [720x400] .PNG
What's In My Weed Slogan [460x360] .PNG

IMO the traditional model used to break this market into a collection of much smaller independant cells which didn't promote large-scale desease the same as infestations threatening LPs, etc., similar to dry hay catching fire... That's some analogy making even more sense in a context of CoViD-19 crisis, where it turns out "distanciation" proves being paramount.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
This is horseshit, read the article closely. What the rulers want is for their LP’s to be able to legalize their existing “back door” sales. We know they are doing it, and have been all along.

Farm gate means that farmers can grow and sell freely, without unneeded regulation, similar to most other crops.
Salutations Freedom seed,

This is horseshit...

Probably as much as the "Légaleezation" of Trudeau before canuck voters got called to the electoral poles in 2015.

Anyway i still prefer a non-centralized model where money talks and there's no obligation to call back once feeling deceived.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
This is horseshit, read the article closely. What the rulers want is for their LP’s to be able to legalize their existing “back door” sales. We know they are doing it, and have been all along.

Farm gate means that farmers can grow and sell freely, without unneeded regulation, similar to most other crops.

Exactly. They’re just going to call it “craft”.

It’s the same damn producers. Same products.

Same “MasterGrowers”.

Same FAIL.