Oooo !!! I am a Bomber Pilot ! 160mg down ..... he he he .....

Full Circle

Active Member
Yup ... At 9:00pm, just 5 minutes ago, I seemed to have swallowed a square of toilet paper with 160mg of pure Molly inside :hump: Oh yeah ... The worm has definitely turned for me !

And I have another 62mg in another piece of toilet paper for the redose ! Speaking of which ... When do you guys think I should redose to extend the roll ?

Before anyone panics, I am a LARGE guy at 300lbs ... So the dose amounts should not be a worry. :peace:


Active Member
Glorious! Last time I dropped, I dropped 200 and redosed with 100... 4 times ;) I weight 180. Like you said, redosing will simply extend your roll, and won't bring you up anymore unless you take it within an hour to a hour and a half or so of the initial drop. I say drop it after youve been peaking for an hour-ish. Stay hydrated, and take some 5-htp once your completely back to baseline, or right before bed. Most importantly. HAVE A GOOD TIME FRIEND!

Full Circle

Active Member
Glorious! Last time I dropped, I dropped 200 and redosed with 100... 4 times ;) I weight 180. Like you said, redosing will simply extend your roll, and won't bring you up anymore unless you take it within an hour to a hour and a half or so of the initial drop. I say drop it after youve been peaking for an hour-ish. Stay hydrated, and take some 5-htp once your completely back to baseline, or right before bed. Most importantly. HAVE A GOOD TIME FRIEND!
Soooo .... you are saying redose in probably 2.5 hrs or so ?

Full Circle

Active Member
Glorious! Last time I dropped, I dropped 200 and redosed with 100... 4 times ;) I weight 180. Like you said, redosing will simply extend your roll, and won't bring you up anymore unless you take it within an hour to a hour and a half or so of the initial drop. I say drop it after youve been peaking for an hour-ish. Stay hydrated, and take some 5-htp once your completely back to baseline, or right before bed. Most importantly. HAVE A GOOD TIME FRIEND!
WOW !!!! 200 sounds VERY heavy to me ! Guess if you survived, it wasn't TOO heavy !

Full Circle

Active Member
40 minutes in, and not much yet .... Oh but it is coming ... he he he ... Mebbe, jus mebbe things are starting to "look" a leetle beet strange !


Active Member
2.5 hours sounds about right. Maybe 3 if you want to really stretch it. That's 2.5 hours from dropping it, not from feeling it kick in. You can't go wrong if you redose. Youll either roll harder or roll longer, so how could you lose?!?! Also, keep in mind that you are bigger than I am, so it might start wearing off quicker. The second you feel it coming down, if you haven't redosed, redose! And 200 was very heavy. It was difficult to keep my eyes open. Very similar feeling to 20mg of 2ce, which is my new phenethylamine of choice


bud bootlegger
i;ve never found mdma to be a very visual drug, it's more all about the way i feel instead.. where acid is more visual and audio, mdma is all about feel and touch.. the body comes alive so to speak, and my god does say a back rub feel incredible..
vision can become a lil bit blurred on mdma, but no crazy ass visuals or anything for the most part..


Active Member
The visuals I get are just patterns burned into my eyes from having my pupils so dialted. Just like staring into a light for a few seconds, except it happens instantly on molly! The time I took 200mg, I didnt feel a single bit different for a full 60 minutes. Mind you, it was encapsulated, not parachuted. My friend was like "dude you didn't take enough. take more" But luckily I knew better. About 40 minutes into coming up, I was peaking...peaking indeed. Those were some fun times! I know you aren't much a smoker, full circle, but you have to smoke while rolling. weed and mdma are a lovely combination. I was able to smoke one joint in the club, but the second got soaked in my hands and wouldnt light! I ate it instead, and boy did it taste good. It was some purple. Don't worry, I had 2 more left after the one i ate.

Ellis Dee

Active Member
I usually come up on ~150mg. Then redose every hour or so at ~150 again, its a tedious work up but within 4 hours you have taken yours for the night.


Full Circle

Active Member
Hmm .... this is a little strange ..... One hour in, and I am still not feeling too much ... hmm ....

I wonder if the toilet paper was too thick ? Mebbe time for a key bump ;-)


Active Member
Let it do its thing buddy. Its a slow come up. Smoke some herb to pass the time until you peak. Did you have any food in your stomach before you consumed the parachute?

Full Circle

Active Member
Let it do its thing buddy. Its a slow come up. Smoke some herb to pass the time until you peak. Did you have any food in your stomach before you consumed the parachute?
I ate a single soft taco about 2 hrs before taking it, so that may be what is up ... I just snorted another 70mg though ... so we will see what happens ;-)

Full Circle

Active Member
It never panned out, because it was NOT the wonderful Molly it was supposed to be .... yup, that's right, it was FAKE. Oh well, back to the drawing board !


Active Member
For me i find just dropping crystals in some JD gets you in a really fun place. Those crystals are usually around 200mg, but if im just eating apsules i put in like 130mg.