

Active Member
hey guys..kinda got a predicament, i have two clones in their 3 week of flowering and they're doing awesome..the problem is i found a seed in recent sac and got excited and germinated it and what do you know...it popped a root haha so now what do i do with this thing i cant really build a veg chamber in my space and i for sure dont want to throw it away its big budxtrainwreck so its dank


Well-Known Member
pop it in some soil and then you have 2 options. you can either put it in with your flowering plants (12/12 from seed style) or you can make a small box with a pair of cfls and veg it in there for a few weeks to a month before putting it in with your flowering plants


Active Member
yeah i was thinking about throwing it in with the flowering plants..i mean i guess i dont have any expectations for this plant could even be a male..i think im going to throw it in and see what happens