Oops I'm a stoner again


Well-Known Member
Okay, so I got my shit all set up and blam, blam, shits growing again.
Well I think about it and I realize that I never changed soils.
So of course even though in my previous grows I have had no problems.
But since my stoner ass forgot to change dirt I have bugs.
I am soaking my plants completely in water to kill all of the fuckers that think
my dirt is a place to call home. I know this may kill my plants but I was
wondering how long to leave the plants completely submerged in water.
I couldn't find an answer.
These fuckers gotta die, I am drowning there bitch asses! I tried insecticide
but they grow faster than ditchweed!


Well-Known Member
Im hopin yall read this cause my plants have been in the water for like 1 hour and i can
see all of these little aphid fuckers tryin to jump round and shit


Well-Known Member
yeah I definetly won't need watering but I figured if the soil needed flushing I could kill
two birds with one stone or kill four plants with one watering lol


Well-Known Member
Flushing probably wont kill the bugs. I use to put a shit load of water each watering and still had bugs. A mild pesticide will work out great.


Well-Known Member
here's the set up I have four baby plants, I put them in a big pot and filled it with water
The plants are still in cups. I have heard that this method only works on healthy plants.
I have heard that this drowning method is effective but may kill the plants.
I was wondering how long it takes a fly-(like a gnat to die)


Well-Known Member
if you put a fly in water til it looks dead than take it out when it drys it flies if its nats and flies try mixn sum hot pepper hottest in yor herb rack 2 cloves of garlic put it in the blender then strain it through a coffee filter and spray your plants the cayenne peeper will kill em the garlic will keep em away or dump chemicals all over your plants :spew:


Well-Known Member
k I took my plants out of water after 2 hours if the infestation still occurs I'm drowning and cooking hee!@ hee!