Oops! Suggestions?


Active Member
K folks, we all know that bagseed in some instances is not the best seed to grow and sometimes most seeds don't survive by the way they were handled. So I got about 30 good looking seeds from a bag I got thinking that 90% might not make it (like in past cases) and decided to plant them all in a single pot. To my surprize, 27 of the 30 sprouted and the shittiest looking of the seeds were paired to save space... now I have a pot full of seedlings and a few seedlings are growing together (just my luck). So my question is this: "Any suggestions on what to do here?" Do any of you also have any guides I can watch or read on how to handle a situation like this? I would like to grow them all out and do an early sexing to weed out the males and the weak plants. All I have been able to find on the net pertains to some vague info on other plants and no real detailed info on how to handle my specific problem as I did not expect to have such a high germination ratio. So, suggestions please. + REP to serious help, thanks in advance :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
wow, very interesting bro. great pics.
i once read something similar in Ask Ed, and he said to just dig them out gently with a spade to transplant elsewhere. try to do it in generations (not a mass exodus) to let a few get more developed.

I have seen two plant per pot grows and it seems to work pretty well from what i've seen my buddy do. give it a try.


Well-Known Member
been there before.

Just gently pull apart and seperately plant the sprouts. Do it now while the roots are still short.
Plastic beer cups work great as first containers, and should allow enough root room for your plants to grow and be sexed.

I have seen two plant per pot grows and it seems to work pretty well from what i've seen my buddy do. give it a try.
Again. been there before.
I wouldnt suggest doing this. Even if it turns out that the multiple plants in the single container are all female (which is unlikely) You'll still have to deal with different rates of growth/harvest windows. Not to mention that the roots of one plant can and will strangle the roots of another. Multiple plants in a single soil container almost always leads to trouble.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man. You gotta dig some up right now, while its early. Dig out a bunch, in different spots( spread out) and transplant to cups or whatever. You can go ahead and do them all or do most and leave a few. Whatever you want. But the earlier the better.

Dont underestimate bagseeds. You probably had good smoke, and the seeds had signs of fertility on them? dark stripes/zigzags/ dark brown in general. i have 100% success rate with bagseeds so far. I know which ones will grow and which ones wont.


Well-Known Member
i would put them straight into 12/12.
some people grow three or four plants in one pot to make a large "bush" in less time.
just for the hell of it, grow them out.
weed out the males,
top and prune the hell out of them to keep them small.
just have fun!


Well-Known Member
I have 11 plants, all females in three pots. No probs yet, although I'm guessing that's why they aren't really getting HUGE buds. I'll know better next season as I did the same as the OP in not thinking they would all sprout. Started with 19 total, down to eleven after weeding out the dude plants. Still not bad, but as I said, next year I'll know better and plan accordingly. Let them get a few inches bigger, get some root structure, then carefully transplant them.