

Well-Known Member
I know this isn't a medical forum, but I'm just looking for other people's experiences.

I've had alot of seemingly unrelated, chronic symptoms since I was 12. I keep going back to the doctor and they don't seem to believe me and I worry about pissing them off. I just get sent home with a few useless painkillers and stuff, the I just don't bother going back for a few weeks because I know they're tired of seeing me. I just want a formal diagnosis so I can get some more support, fix the root of the problem and when people ask me 'what the fuck is wrong with you?' I can give them an answer without feeling like I have to justify myself (taking time off of school/physical work on the farm etc)

I have dizzy spells, headaches, feel faint, palpitations, shallow breathing, extreme joint pain/swelling, muscle pain, a mysterious recurring rash, sensitive to pressure on my skin (feels painful) sensitivity to light, nausea, fatigue

Some of these things are pretty much constant and some just flare up several times a week. Smoking is the only thing so far that's helping alleviate the symptoms but it's short-term. Really, I just hate turning up at an appointment repeating myself and I don't really want to convince myself I have every disease under the sun (online 'research') so Im asking does this sound familiar to YOU guys, an outsider's opinion. Maybe If I suggest something to my doctor they will try and test for it. I get regular blood tests to keep an eye on me because of my eating issues but they're not looking at anything specific, I think they are worried about electrolytes and iron levels.

Sorry If you're still thinking 'why the fuck is she asking us?', but I'm feeling particularly bad today. I'm shivering and everything hurts.

Well, I'm off to medicate if I can get up.

Thanks for your time x


New Member
well I knew a girl in the hospital who had fibromyalgia. She says she got it from standing up a lot at her job or something. It would explain a lot of your symptoms but I would need to know more. Fibromyalgia meds are pretty hard core, but marijuana helps with it a lot on top of the meds. Girl in hospital always spends the weekends there because she requires so much help sometimes. I found her lying on the ground asking for help one time at like 6 30 AM, went to go get help and the nurses didn't even care. She laid there for like 15 minutes, so I just talked to her. But when I talked to her about weed a few days later, she was against it, so we didn't talk much after that. Other than that she was a nice girl, but I wanna grow my weed!


Active Member
It sounds similar to Fibro ... I would go to a specialist in internal medicine to find out the root of the problem. Better to be safe than to be sorry. Good Luck and keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
well I knew a girl in the hospital who had fibromyalgia. She says she got it from standing up a lot at her job or something. It would explain a lot of your symptoms but I would need to know more. Fibromyalgia meds are pretty hard core, but marijuana helps with it a lot on top of the meds. Girl in hospital always spends the weekends there because she requires so much help sometimes. I found her lying on the ground asking for help one time at like 6 30 AM, went to go get help and the nurses didn't even care. She laid there for like 15 minutes, so I just talked to her. But when I talked to her about weed a few days later, she was against it, so we didn't talk much after that. Other than that she was a nice girl, but I wanna grow my weed!
A good woman > weed

Not that I actually know if she was a good woman or not, just saying.


Well-Known Member
probably a combination of something like fibromyalgia and anemia...since you mentioned them watching your iron ;)


Well-Known Member
I had an online friend with fibro who mentioned it when I said I was feeling like shit and she asked me to explain. But I've heard it's really difficult to get a fibro diagnosis. I think they're worried about bandying about the term.

It just gets depressing when I want to get dressed, or make a cup of coffee but I can't because it's too painful.

I was sent to a rheumatology clinic once and they said I was too young to have rheumatoid arthritis, they sent me home and didn't get back to me after poking my sensitive bits and making me cry -_-;

I'll try mentioning fibro and asking for a specialist referral. I just hope they won't assume I'm being a hypochondriac.

Thanks for the support guys. I've got some blankets and rubbed deep heat all over myself trying to get some coursework done at the computer.

I'm signing up for a doctor's appointment online and will let you know if I get a breakthrough.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking 'why couldn't a young person have RA?' but he was really dismissive, and really made me feel like I was wasting his time and he wanted me to get the fuck out of his office. It was so painful getting to the appointment it did make me wonder why I bothered. My dad took me to the emergency room once because my wrists were weak and I dropped the kettle on myself. The nurse prodded me asking if it hurt, I said yes (bitch) and 6 hours of waiting later they sent me home with no referral -_-

I hope this gets sorted out, I need to get out of the house to pick some things up this week but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.


Active Member
I was thinking 'why couldn't a young person have RA?' but he was really dismissive, and really made me feel like I was wasting his time and he wanted me to get the fuck out of his office. It was so painful getting to the appointment it did make me wonder why I bothered. My dad took me to the emergency room once because my wrists were weak and I dropped the kettle on myself. The nurse prodded me asking if it hurt, I said yes (bitch) and 6 hours of waiting later they sent me home with no referral -_-

I hope this gets sorted out, I need to get out of the house to pick some things up this week but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.
I can feel your pain, especially about waiting around for 6 hours with no results. Children and yound adults can get RA, so don't let them pull wool over your eyes with that kind of statement.

In some cases such as what you describe, i am wondering if a DO is better than an MD here. IMO they treat muscle related illnesses better than a medical doctor, not they have all of the answers, but just my 2 cents in judgement.


Well-Known Member
I have joint swelling and severe inflamation every now and then. Feels like broken bones grinding together when it's bad, and I can also get achy and feverish if it gets bad. I was dismissed for years until a few years back I changed doctors, I have a combo of gout and bad arthritis, got anti inflamatories and pain killers which really help.

But yeah, have someone else check you out, sounds like your Dr. doesn't want to deal with it

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I have a friend that has Fibro it is not fun. I would suggest finding a really good pain management specialist, one that specializes in Fibro.

Getting a diagnosis is the start to getting control.


Well-Known Member
That's it, WinterWoman- if I actually get a solid diagnosis can get whatever referrals and prescriptions are necessary.

Obi-cake, sorry to hear about your suffering, but thanks for the input. i totally get what you mean, when you can really feel all that grinding between your joints...

Hopefully whatever it is, the root of the problem can be fixed, not just masking the surface symptoms.


Pickle Queen
A specialist will test 7 key point on ur body (pressing) to verify if u have fibro, my mother 100% has it, specialist wants to test me next since i have very similar symptons, it does suck, but the more active u are the better u feel :)

What about growing pains girl? Not trying to sound mean but maybe ur body is still changing, most womens bodies do change at ur age, ever hear of the freshmen 15 ;) lol ( i remember u saying u have strech marks on ur body, and i saw a few)

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
I have dizzy spells, headaches, feel faint, palpitations, shallow breathing, extreme joint pain/swelling, muscle pain, a mysterious recurring rash, sensitive to pressure on my skin (feels painful) sensitivity to light, nausea, fatigue
Well, I'm off to medicate if I can get up.

Thanks for your time x
sounds like my mother lol....she has RA and fibromyalgia......and alot of drugs....


Well-Known Member
A specialist will test 7 key point on ur body (pressing) to verify if u have fibro, my mother 100% has it, specialist wants to test me next since i have very similar symptons, it does suck, but the more active u are the better u feel :)
Aaaarghh... painful painful poking. i've flinched away during many checkups and when I was in hospital last year. The doctors were 'surprised' I found the poking painful, but said nothing else about it. Then again they thought I had anthrax at one point lol I'm beginning to lose faith...

I try to keep active too- yoga, ballet, horseriding, ice skating etc. I always felt that if I didn't do them through the pain, I'd just 'stiffen up' even more if that makes sense.


Please Find a specialist that cares about people and not making money. I had a crohns ''specialist'' that i dealt with for a few years untill i was fed up with his bullshit. Than i went on my own and found a specialist and a group of doctors that love what they do and work everyday on trying to find help for the people that need it. So take some time and try out a few doctors, i know its a pita but it will be well worth it in the long run. Marijuana helps with my crohns disease , but only so much. .

wish you the best of luck


Ursus marijanus
Crohn's specialists are necessarily assholes.

Kuroi, what you have sounds auto-immune to me. Do you drive by a Porsche dealership and feel nothing, nothing at all? cn


Well-Known Member
lupus, RA, fibro, lymes, something autoimmune. too bad the rheumatologist you saw was so passive.

funny thing, it's probably nothing. :weed:

lol, i didn't say it's nothing to discount your symptoms. I said it because i don't want you to become an anxious hypochondriac.