opinions needed to answer this question

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Active Member
a tow truck driver told me back in their day they used to mix vinegar and baking soda together to make a gas that would make the plants grow 2 inches everynight. has any one else ever heard of this; cause if so i was thinking of mixing them in a humidifier together.


Active Member
My guess is that it has to do with the chemical reaction of baking soda and vinegar, since one it a base and the other is an acid. Once they are introduced to one another, they chemically react and expel c02. As far as growing several inches in one night, I seriously doubt that...though extra c02 is always a benefit for plant growth. Though mixing vinegar and baking soda gets rather messy, sugar and yeast would work a lot better.


Well-Known Member
Vinegar and baking soda mix rather interestingly. Try it. That's what we used as kids to make those volcano's in school. The stuff expands and oozes out all over the place.

You will need a container that's big enough it can't expant out. Other than that it's completely harmless. And just FYI you would only get benefit from this if you did it during lights on in a sealed room with no venting out of the room. And it'll only work for about 10 minutes but if the gas is contained and recycled with a fan off the floor where it will collect then sure, might help a little.

But a wiser investment would be to save that money for bigger lights if you want more weed. That's the simplest most guaranteed way to up your yield.