opinions on air pruning pot

haze andy84

Just wandering if anyone has thoughts on air pruning pots i was thinking of drilling hole in some 5gal pots i have but im just curious has anyone had better grows with air pruning pots vs std pots or is air pruning pots just a bunch hot air.


Well-Known Member
The important question is what ate your goals? To grow a plant to harvest? To keep a mother in?

They are great for keeping mother plants for clones. The pot does the pruning for you.

You can grow longer period of time in them because plants don't get root bound.

They have their pros and con's. Its harder to water from the top. You just about have to set them in a tray and wick water up.


Well-Known Member
If tomatoes are any kind of example, air pots do appear to have some benefit, judging from the photos on this page. Here's one. It does look like a little more soil in the air pots though. It's also possible that the evaporation is cooling the soil, whether or not that would promote growth I don't know but maybe. The sun can heat a black plastic pot up pretty severely. Still, the difference is pretty dramatic. Might be worth trying if you can deal with the extra humidity from the evaporation if it's indoors.


haze andy84

Well maybe i wont drill holes in my pots after all or maybe just try it on one. An the tomatoes that are bigger in that pic are in smart pots or fiber pots which may prune the roots some but i have been looking at some pots that have small holes all around the pot which supposedly makes a bigger root system. An thanks for info


Well-Known Member
Well maybe i wont drill holes in my pots after all or maybe just try it on one. An the tomatoes that are bigger in that pic are in smart pots or fiber pots which may prune the roots some but i have been looking at some pots that have small holes all around the pot which supposedly makes a bigger root system. An thanks for info
You mean the ones that look like egg cartons? Those do work well apparently.

haze andy84

Dango thats a nice root system ive had good results with smart pots before but not like that. What kind of yield you getting using those cloth pots


Well-Known Member
Hey haze andy.. Big smo uses those air pots, I briefly asked him about them on this thread https://www.rollitup.org/p/12612799/
I have been considering them myself but as you say they sure are expensive. I have not used those cloth pots either since I don't think they were popular round my neck of the woods when I started growing seriously, I've stuck to what I had but looking at that pic from nevergoodenuf think I will try those! Nice roots NGE!!
As for hole drilling, done it on a couple of my smaller veg pots @6.5ltr. It helped. I noticed a bigger root system or at least on the outer areas that you could see when potting up.

@nevergoodenuf What else was in those pots, Coco? How long was that lady Vegged for? Cheers
I use the air pots on veg in a f&d.
They are very good for my purposes as it means I won't have water sat in the residual water at the bottom of the flood table whilst still having an excellent root system.
I also use rhizotonic which breaks up the dead root matter into beneficial bacteria as far as I understand.
I'm thinking about also adding roots excel as I had good experience with them before but am unsure whether both products would be overkill as I also run great white Shark bennies. As well as Algen extract and multi zyme


Well-Known Member
Cloth pots all the way! Look for the (significantly cheaper) ones by viagrow... you can get them on Amazon. Once u try you will never go back.


Well-Known Member
If you have time look up an old thread by fdd2blk titled Root bound is bullshit , awesome thread with some kick ass pics of root systems from a bunch of us geezers .