opinions on those ppl who must take their dog


New Member
We all know them whats your take on it? Like we have a family member who must bring her annoying ass dog everywhere! To partys. Dinners. Reunions...

How do you feel?

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
it all depends....there are alot of lil dogs in our family....so its funny when they come over to take on our st bernard


Well-Known Member
I got a pit that goes everywhere with me... people don't even like to invite me over...LOL


bud bootlegger
i love my dog, and the dumb ass is part of the family, but at the same time, i don't think people should bring their dogs all over god greens earth with them..
i go to the flea market once in awhile, and they have signs all over that say no dogs allowed, but at the same time i must see alteast ten dogs there if not more on any given day... i feel that crowds like that with lots of unfamiliar people can make an otherwise friendly dog, scared, and in turn they can get frightened and end up doing something that they never would have done in the comforts of their own home..
and not only that, i love my dog, but i also know that not everyone feels the same way about my unloving flea bag, so why should i impose him on them by bringing him around to their house?? it just makes no sense to me, and i just feel that it's not a very socially nice thing to be doing...


Well-Known Member
as long as they are potty trained and sort of behaved, it's fine.

but for example, i have a friend that likes to take the dog when he walks to the store and the dog pissess all over the place, even in the elevator... with other people in there!

and the guy doesn't even clean it up.... nasty mo fo....


Well-Known Member
i love my dog, and the dumb ass is part of the family, but at the same time, i don't think people should bring their dogs all over god greens earth with them..
i go to the flea market once in awhile, and they have signs all over that say no dogs allowed, but at the same time i must see alteast ten dogs there if not more on any given day... i feel that crowds like that with lots of unfamiliar people can make an otherwise friendly dog, scared, and in turn they can get frightened and end up doing something that they never would have done in the comforts of their own home..
and not only that, i love my dog, but i also know that not everyone feels the same way about my unloving flea bag, so why should i impose him on them by bringing him around to their house?? it just makes no sense to me, and i just feel that it's not a very socially nice thing to be doing...
Yup, I agree with racerboy.
I think your dog is your responsibility and can be a pain in the ass so if its not a dog friendly occasion they would be better off at home.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
ive seen a big ass dog take a shit in a lowes once... I was wondering WTF a dog was doing in lowes :lol:



Well-Known Member
They don't call them mans best friend for nothing! Mine goes everywhere! It usually waits in the car, If its hot it comes with me most places! My dog is prodigious for me, if it doesn't like you neither do I! Almost needless to say it doesn't really like people!


Well-Known Member
absolutely no. dont do it, dogs are animals. i would get arrested everyday if i brought my dogs with me anywhere.


Well-Known Member
Our little girls go just about everywhere with us. When the older one was just a pup my wife took her into a local grocery store carried in her purse and the cashier said that dogs weren't allowed...So without missing a beat I leaned over to the cashier and whispered to her it was actually out daughter and she was suffering from hypertrichosis and was super sensitive about......Best part was she believed me LOL.....Wifey still tells that story. Weed and comformists don't go together in my book. Most stupid Rules are written by non high people so they suck and should be broken whenever possible.


Well-Known Member
doesn't bother me, but i'm a dog lover.
I would rather be around dogs than all of the people with asshole children running around being much dirtier, louder, and more annoying than a good dog should ever be in public..

Most of the time, dogs are potty trained and on a leash. That is years ahead of a lot of the children running around in public spaces.



Active Member
While I'm at work all day, my dog is sitting in the house.. most likely just laying around and bored as hell. So after I get home and need to go somewhere, damn right he's coming along. I know how it is to sit in the house with nothing to do. Maybe if I had a yard he could chill in it would be different. But for now I have to keep his mental health in good shape too.

I think owning an animal is more than just feed it.. let it poop.. repeat.
Interaction is good for everyone.


Active Member
I guess I can agree that if I saw a dog shit in Lowes I'd be a little confused as to why it's in there. Haha. Some places are just common sense though right? I hate when I see owners who leave their dogs outside. Some people shouldn't have pets.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
Dosen't bother me as long as the dog is behaived OR the owner is taking the proper action as to not annoy other visitors. Personally i used to take my dog every where i could when he was a puppy. I worked so much so he would spend upwards to 8-10 hours a day crated, not cool.


Well-Known Member
i'm gonna get bit and i'm gonna SUE.

every time i go to the lake i come back to find all my tires pissed on. someone who works at the marina brings their dog to work with them and lets it run loose all day.

i was launching my seadoo the other day. 2 little ankle biters running loose on the dock. i had jumped on the seadoo and was holding onto the dock with my hand. when i started the motor the 2 dogs came at me snapping and barking. i pushed off just as they lunged at me. the lady giggles and says "they almost got you".

i was coming back in from fishing one morning. dude tied to the dock next to me. he's got a big hound dog. as i'm putting away all my rods in the side holders in the boat the dog is lunging from the dock into my boat to try to grab them. he's ready to jump in my boat to bite my rods. dude's just standing there watching me. i had to hold the last 2 rods off to the far side to keep them from the dog. dude says "he thinks it's a stick".

no care, no concern. as if it is up to me to deal with it.

my lawyer will be calling you. :)