Opinions please


Active Member
okay, this is the first plant that I'm trying to grow, and the color looks fine to me, but she seems to be a bit droopy, leaves feel nice and dry though. I'm not sure if this is normal, so I need someone's opinion on her.

Strain: Northern Light
Stage: Veg - Week 3-4
Pot: 1G
Light: 250HPS
Ventilation: So-so



Active Member
well i water her 1 day food 1 day water, and light nut mix. I'm using Nova Flora.
I stopped watering since yesterday to see if theres a difference, but so far it has been like that for a good week, but it's still growin


Well-Known Member
Its likely a watering issue.

Have you been removing the large fan leaves? I don't see any. All I see is smaller ones that grow from new branches. If you're removing large fan leaves... then shame on you.


Active Member
yes i did, but that was last resort, caz the first day i got this plant, i burned the large fan leaves by accident with heat, and they turned really dry n black/ dark green. So what would be my best optioins to fix her up