
uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
lookin good, might want to lower your light a tad, but thats just my 2 cents as mine stretched as seedlings. also depends on what light your using. congrats on how its goin looks great.


Well-Known Member
thankk you! it is a 60watts cfl cold color, i just elevated them at like 6cm from the light, i think the temperature its good..., it is bad watering the plants a lot? i am kinda obsessed with it lol....


Active Member
That looks farther than 6cm but if it is that is just about right for that light. Don't over water, but they will probably require a little each day. I prefer not to let my seedlings get too dry. I would also make sure you have a fan circulating air (I don't see one) something small to move the air around and wiggle the plants a little bit to build strength


Active Member
Nice little stealth grow you got going there... congrats on the seedlings
watering is very important, over watering is just as bad as under watering. Do not water until the top is dried out and you stick your finder into the soil say an inch and verify its dry there also.
A fan is definitely needed.


painting the inside of the grow room white would improve things a lot and you've got no fans so the plants will be weak, what bulb you using?


Active Member
ya its bad to water them to much....let the soil dry out between waterings

ya and def get yourself some mylar or white paint....i have a kitchen cabinet that is already white that is preaty much the same exact style/shape/size as that one. Cant wait to rig her up one day lol


plus you need some fans on them or theyll be weak as fuck especially if you over water them


Well-Known Member
60w CFL? Are you sure it's actually 60w and not more like 12-15 watt? I think you might be looking at the equivalent wattage. The number you wanna go with is the real wattage not the equivalent. Anyway, Even if it was a true 60watt CFL then it's still way to far from your plants. CFL lumen output drops drastically with distance. You can get your plants 1-3 inches away from the plants with out burning them. Put your hand between the light and the plant and lower it until it's uncomfortable; then raise it back up so it's just comfortable again and your plants will be happy.