Opinons on these LED systems please


Well-Known Member
I am looking at these 2 led setups on Amazon was hoping that a few of you could take a look and see if these were worth while. Not sure if I should get the mixed colors or just the single. They say there are for hydroponics but I'm curious if they can be used for soil growth.




I was looking at the same products on ebay for quite some time. But as I was told it comes down to lumens and leds just dont produce enough for our light loving babies. Dont quote me but I wouldnt waste my money unless I was growing some herbs or other veges.


New Member
Id not bother dude, they are ok for the start but not for right through till the end, unless someone can prove me wrong.


Well-Known Member
You can do it, but you need more than just one led system to grow it well. I've seen some impressive grows on this forum using leds, but they had 3 or 4 panels surrounding the grow.


Well-Known Member
DON'T DO IT. I have 6 of those panels, and while you CAN grow under them.. and you see the odd grow where the plants turn out ok.. but I've already put up flourecents after about a month. I'll keep them for side lighting, but I have replaced those 6 with 3 X 4' florecents.... they took off with the light change.. Sorry I don't have new pics, but the difference is very noticable.

The cost on them isn't worth it IMO.



Well-Known Member
did you use a single LED panel? or did you surround the plants with LED's??


Those are not mine I just did a search and I have been watching these guys

I am also interested in the LED set up and may take the jump in a week or so just gathering up some change for the light or lights?

Let me know if you find anything else on them

Thanks man :weed:


Well-Known Member
You can do it, but you need more than just one led system to grow it well. I've seen some impressive grows on this forum using leds, but they had 3 or 4 panels surrounding the grow.

Can you paste a link to what you are referring to please

I have seen other setups but not with side panels
