

bongsmilie feeel very relaxed sitting on my chair outside vibing from the beatles music. my clothes feel good and so does the wind. i dont feel like moving out of my seat.
The hit tastes good and smells good but the shit itself smells bad itself like horse food or dirt lol.
Gives me the high and impression of hash without the hacking cough. :)
Doesnt last long a very mild and short feeling.
Over all i give it a thumbs up for atleast trying it once in my life. no more.


Active Member
Thanks for the review!

I will hopefully be trying out some hash in the next few weeks. I'm going to try to make tea, because I heard it lasts longer


Well-Known Member
I am afraid you didn't smoke enough. If you don't get the dreams you didn't get the experience.


Well-Known Member
I can't tell you how much to smoke as all opium is of different quality and strength. I will tell you that I know of many people who tossed off their first opium experience as "eh, it was ok, I got comfortable and relaxed". Well I am here to tell you that you didn't get what you are supposed to get. You will get warm, sublimely wonderful flushes up and down your spine and body. The back of your brain is carressed and that caress extends down to your shoulders and arms. You will be energized and in an enthusiastic but still languid mood. This goes away to be replaced by a "nod". Within that nod you find yourself in a waking dream state that is second to none (in my opinion, K enthusiasts might differ). You can project yourself into those dreams of fantasy and time is slowed to a crawl. If you take enough you will go in and out of sleep over and over again. I have taken amounts that will last me an entire night of dreaming and waking, waking dreams and sleeping dreams that seem upon arrising the following day to have lasted far longer than they did.

First, you must smoke the opium properly, do not apply a flame to it or you will burn off much of the active chemicals of morphine and codine.

Second, titrate properly, you must find that balance between your initial excitation and nausea. Opioids affect your brain, your stomach and your intestines. The stomach will be affected and you can get sick enough to throw up especially during your first few times - if this happens you smoked too much (or you are willing to let the bad effluent out of your body and within moments you are perfectly fine).

Once you do have the effect, then do a mix with your favorite herb but don't smoke them at the same time.

Finally, when you figure out how much you can take, eat it. You lose your initial rush but you gain in duration and depth of your experience.

In my travels I have yet to meet someone who has not been awed by opium when they have smoked it properly.

They don't call morphine GOM (God's own medicine) for nothing. It puts everything else (including heroin, in my opinion) to shame and the mix that is opium is comparable to nothing else.


Well-Known Member
What canndo said, opium can be quite a magical experience. The best results I have gotten were through making a tea, good tasting one, mind you. Out of just the bulb of the flower. The tea was amazing, beautiful. I tend to enjoy a bowl or two of weed along with it. Makes for quite the perfect night. Always turn on some slow atmospheric music too. Opium always leads me to some mind blowing epiphanies along the basis of "Everythings amazing" lol


Active Member
Nice... How often should I leave between opium usage? I don't want it to lose the magic, nor do I want to develop an opiate dependency lol


Well-Known Member
Whatever your pace is I guess dude. How often do you do other drugs? I space it out at least a couple days.. I never buy it, the opiums just from my poppies so when I run out, I run out.. Until the next harvest lol I can't say I've ever been addicted to it just by doing it every few days.. I mean obviously don't get too into it. You know what I mean


Active Member
My pace has slowed down to a halt basically since I started school this month. With addictive substances (benzos, opiates) i typically do them back to back days, then not again for a few weeks, or once every week if I get more than 2 or so pills at a time. I'll be getting a fair amount of opium hopefully, so I just need to make it last as long as possible ;) I don't think I can get addicted to anything other than pot, which i am definitely addicted to! Maybe I won't go through physical withdrawl if I don't get my weed fix, but Ive definitely developed a habit of smoking daily


thats good advice but i think i just smoked enough to feel what u said canndo lol but also what do u mean by not putting the flame to it how else do i burn it?


Well-Known Member
lol just don't go and do some with work you gotta get done that night, you'll pass right out. FUCK SCHOOL WORK is whats gonna go through your head lol. Maybe not in that sense. But bottom line is you WILL choose bed over anything else :)


Well-Known Member
Ohh sexxyyyI am getting one. Ordering it as we speak lol

I didn't even know these existed. Are there hookahs? I'm gonna google it, but I think I've seen hookahs with that top bowl on them. Im gonna be liike that fucking catapillar


Active Member
Ohh sexxyyyI am getting one. Ordering it as we speak lol

I didn't even know these existed. Are there hookahs? I'm gonna google it, but I think I've seen hookahs with that top bowl on them. Im gonna be liike that fucking catapillar
Yeah I wonder how many people actually knew that catapillar was smoking opium.....the voice was Proffessor Snape.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I wonder how many people actually knew that catapillar was smoking opium.....the voice was Proffessor Snape.
I've heard a few people talk about it, but its straight in the book I believe lol plus everyone should know Lewis Caroll was an opium head..

But no way? I cant even really bring myself to watch alice in wonderland unless I'm severely tripping. I have a shitload of incense and weed, Maybe I'll turn in on tonight its free on demand right now so hmm... I wish my poppies would grow already so I could watch it smoking opium :p


Well-Known Member
thats good advice but i think i just smoked enough to feel what u said canndo lol but also what do u mean by not putting the flame to it how else do i burn it?
You don't burn it so much as cook it. If you put the flame directly on it, it destroys the compounds in the gas that you liberate with the heat. In an oil pipe you just heat it gently until that warm, thick, luxurious smoke flows. In an opium pipe you lick the flame over a bit of opium that you stick to the side of the pipe. No flame should touch the stuff. In my opinon you shouldn't mix opium in with weed although I know for a fact it works, you waste the opium which is in all likelyhood more precious than the weed you have. What will happen is that when the weed combusts it heats the opium but when the fire actually touches it, it is destroyed.


Active Member
When I smoke hash, I use a torch lighter, but don't let the flame near the hash. I can keep the flame a lot farther away than if I use a standard bic and wave it back and forth over the bowl. Is the torch lighter still too hot to use with opium, even at a further distance?